I unlock the thick and heavy chain on the garage door. Surprisingly, Dad had a low budget, modest, and non-updated garage door that people would mistakenly think it's just another store full of unused house items. I think that's intentional. Dad once told me that he was tired of people hacking into his labs back in the day so he didn't try hard to install a high-tech security system on his garage door. However, you can't think Dad will make it easy inside.

Just as I stepped inside the garage, a neon blue light appeared as a second door in front of me. I almost crossed them, and if I did, I'd wake the entire animals that live together with us in the woods. I know the alarm will go off and that means Morgan's attention.

The neon wall showed a weird-looking password that, at first, I was confused if I'm really in Dad's working garage. It looks like–

"A jigsaw puzzle!" someone squeaked excitedly beside me. I turned to see Morgan watching the neon wall with "jigsaw puzzle" like her favourite toy. "Hippopotamus!" Morgan solved.

"How do you–"


Just like that, the neon wall disappeared and Morgan cheered beside me. We entered deeper into the garage but before I could take the third step, another neon wall appeared.

"What is it this time..." I said uninterestingly. Clearly, Dad was inspired by Morgan when he built these stuffs. Really. Before Morgan, Dad put a calculator-like device on his glass wall, and it only appeared to the surface by hand gesture. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to key-in the password. And the access was numerical!

A picture of a jungle, full with greens appeared.


But Morgan is here. Of course she knows that to do. Dad built the garage with her. I was in another world five years ago. Right, how can I forget that. That's why I've never really entered the garage before this because I don't know how to pull these questions off. I would look stupid if I stood there all by myself, trying to solve the puzzle.

I watched Morgan tapped on a small plant. How did she eveb see that one in the corner, I wonder. As soon as the plant gets bigger on the neon wall, Morgan confidently says, "Eucalyptus."

Wait...is that even–

Morgan begins spelling the plant's name and gives their scientific name and a little description of the plant. As I stood and listened to her – although I stopped listening right after she said "It is also known as" – I looked at other trees and plants in the picture. I felt so proud that, at least, I recognised one: Banana tree.

"Ah, that was easy," Morgan beamed. I rolled my eyes on her and followed her entering Dad's garage.

Morgan was quick to find a spot, that I assumed she usually sat on while accompanying Dad. She doesn't looked awkward and foreign in the garage. It's like her second home. The one who's amazed is me because as I looked around the garage, despite that the walls inside are made of bulletproof metal – which means the garage has two layers of wall – I noticed things that I knew Dad hated to store in his lab.

First of, there are rainbow unicorn figurines everwhere on Dad's equipment shelves. Some of them are looking at each other like they're a couple and they're kissing. I saw Barbie and Ken holding hands. There are soldiers in a troup pointing at Dad desk. I approached one shelf and pulled a drawer. Inside the drawer, there were kitchen toys.

[2] FAR FROM HIM // t.starkWhere stories live. Discover now