Percy Knows

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Percy P.O.V

I woke up, staring at the ceiling of my cabin. I sat up, looking outside. It was afternoon already?! I hurried out, only to see everyone on...I must be dreaming. They were on some sort of floating disk and were talking nervously. I can't hear a single thing because they were too high up.

"Hey everybody!" I yelled, waving. "What are you doing up there?"

They glanced down, and looked really shocked, like I've just risen to life or something. Leo did something and they all floated down.

"What in the world is that?" I asked Leo, tapping the disks.

Leo looked at me closely before spreading his hands. "We have Percy back!" He whooped.

"Ignore him." Annabeth sighed. "It's good to have you awake again. We were up there trying to talk about what we just did."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We...uh..." Piper glanced at Annabeth. "We went to Olympus and they said they can't help us, for some unknown reason, and we didn't manage to rescue the other three demigods."

"What?! The Olympians won't help? And what three demigods?"

"There was a package and it told us that there is demigods trapped in the Labyrinth, and so we went. But...we got lost and failed the mission."

"How did you manage to do this all in like, from the time we went looking for Abaddon to now? that's like, 6 hours or something."

"Um..." Piper glanced at Annabeth again. Everyone looked really nervous and guilty, like they had done something bad.

"Annabeth?" I pleaded. "Tell me what is happening."

"We can't say much know..." She gestured to the ground. "That's why we were in the air just then."

"Without me?"

"No! Like, you were really tired so we wanted for you to sleep..." She was fumbling for words, which was very unlike her.

"I wasn’t really tired, you know." I muttered. "I don't know why I went to sleep in the first place. And you all needed sleep!" Something hit me then. "You didn't want me to hear your plans, didn't you?"

"No! Of course not Percy! We-we..." Annabeth's voice trailed off.

"Are you lying to me?" I was really hurt by now.

"Percy, look man, it's not that. We wanted our best man to be all rested, and plus we didn't do much anyway. We were discussing stuff you already know when we were on those hovering disks." Jason defended.

"Looks like you're up." Thalia walked into our group.

"When did you get here?"

"Uh, just then. Took us quite some time though."

I glanced sharply at the Seven. "I didn't know that." I said accusingly. "What were you discussing?"

"I think we have to tell." Hazel looked at me worryingly.

"But--" Annabeth tried to protest.

"Now or never." Piper nodded. Annabeth sighed in defeat.

"Jason, you tell."

"Why me?"

"Tell what?" I asked.

Jason placed a hand on my shoulder. "Look, you know how Abaddon is Gaia's son and all? Like, this is really confusing, but...he's here."

"Here?!" I glanced around quickly, seeing no threatening figure.

"No like, he' you." I stared at Jason, bewildered. "Gaia had this master plan where she would send her son as a demigod into Camp Half-Blood, and made sure that he was like, the leader of camp or someone important. The Titian War and the Great War were merely ways for her son to be stronger and more respected, and as distractions for the rest of us. And so when she rises again through her son for the final war, the only way she can be sent to sleep now is when he dies. But thing is, if he dies, the demigods lose a leader, and the rest of the army can overwhelm the camp. You are that demigod."


"Wha-what?" I stammered. This was too much. Am I Abaddon? Was that why they were nervous? Is it something like split personalities? Was I ever the son of Poseidon?

"Percy...just... it's OK." Annabeth touched my hand. "I'm sorry we were lying to you, and for keeping this...matter away. It’s just, I don't want you to run off or do anything harsh or impulsive. And, and if you do run away, Abaddon can surface anytime and take over, please just stay."

"Is that why I have memory blanks?" I said hoarsely.


"Anything else I need to know?"

"Oh, everything you hear and see can also be seen and heard by Abaddon." Leo added unhelpfully.

Annabeth glared at Leo. "Percy, just don't worry about it. We can handle this."

"OK." I numbly said. "I'll...I'll be in my cabin if you need me."

"Percy, please..."

I ignored her and walked stiffly to my cabin, before slumping down in my bed and draping an arm over my eyes. What in the world am I supposed to do now? I considered locking myself in the cabin and throwing away the key, but there is always a way to escape, so that's no good. I can't run away, can't hide, I cannot do anything to help. I felt so useless. After what seems like an age of doubt and sadness, I fell into a troubled sleep.

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