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Allyson Barlow P.O.V

I raced after Damon, easily passing over him. I looked over my shoulder for a second to make a face at him, and he pouted, folding his arms before accidentally tripping over. I laughed, stopping and helping him up.

"So clumsy." I said to him as I brushed the grass away. It was always fun to run on the oval on such a beautiful day. Damon brushed away a lock of blond hair that fell into his eyes, and grinned.

"Says who." He retorted.

"Says me. And you can't beat that." I smiled back, and he groaned.

"You always say that."

"Sure do."

I lead Damon, who was complaining about his rights and the unfairness of me being the boss of things, back to his cabin, before entering mine and grimacing at the disgusting perfume smell that dominated the room. We were at this camp for a month as a school excursion. Since we were leaving for High school next year, the Principal decided we needed a month of fun at Bay Shore Camp. (A/N BAY SHORE IS AN ACTUAL PLACE ON LONG ISLAND. SEARCH IT UP. I DID DO RESEARCH, IF NOT ONLY FOR TEN SECONDS. WHAT?) I lived with 6 girls, and they were annoyingly girly. Like, there is nail polish here and there, perfume bottles, mirrors, pink banners, and other horrible stuff. Seriously, where do they find room in their over-stuffed pink luggage bags for these useless, pointless things? I stalked back to my bed, avoiding the glitter sprawled everywhere. Luckily, there were two bedrooms. One with three bunk beds and one with a single bunk bed. The girls immediately hogged the room with six beds, but that was fine by me. I have an entire room all to myself. I quickly changed into the usual, and jogged out to meet Damon by the archery area. I was extremely skilled at archery, and I had fun beating Damon at it. He beat me at sword-fighting, but like, who needs to use a sword anyway? We played around for the rest of the day, joking around and enjoying each other's company. We were sitting down on the wooden seats and chatting when y brilliant, happy day was shattered by Bretiane, a really show-offie girl who is over-the-top with anything and everything girly. She is extremely obsessed with finding a boyfriend, and teases everyone who doesn’t have one. But not today.

"Hey, Allyson." She sneered, walking slowly, her high heels clicking on the pavement. "So boy like. Ugly. You are so different."

"Yeah, I am so different I make you stand out like a dead bug on white paper." I retorted. Hey, not bad.

"You mean yourself." Bretiane laughed, sitting next to Damon. "Hey, pretty boy, why hang out with such a dead person?" She flirted, batting her eyelashes. I almost puked right there.

"SOS!" Damon jumped out of his seat and ran away, cackling manically. There's my boy.

"What?!" Bretiane screeched, stomping a foot like the spoilt girl she is.

"He's mine, darling Bretiane." I cooed. "The 'dead person' has a boyfriend before all-glamorous Bretiane do." I swear steam was coming out of her ears and her head looked like it was going to explode. I laughed right in her face, running away towards Damon.
Well, I was running towards him, but that was before the dirt below me opened up and swallowed me, along with my boyfriend.

Annabeth P.O.V

It was dinner, and we found out that Jayden was a child of Athena, meaning I have a sibling again. Natash was a daughter of Ares, and no surprise there. You can often find her hacking away at a dummy or something, or marvelling at the wide range of armoury and weapons. She would love Capture the Flag, if it wasn't for our low number of campers. Lily was one of a kind, being the first daughter of Tyche we ever had. Tyche, Roman form Fortuna, was the goddess of good fortune. It was ironic, because everyone could see that she had really bad luck while her mother was the goddess of luck.

"Why are they hardly any campers here?" Natash asked around a mouthful of food. I took in a breath. Time they knew. I got up, and stood next to Chiron, who nodded at me.

"We had a horrible war a few weeks ago." I started. "And a lot of people were killed."

"A war?" Natash cut in. "Hey cool!"

"Why are they Romans here?" Jayden asked. "Isn't this a Greek camp?"

"That is an insult!" Octavian thundered. Reyna shot a glance at him, and he quieted down, his face red and fist clenched.

"Both camps needed help in maintenance, and so they moved here because there was only 4 people. And no, Natash, a war isn't cool. We had about 400 to 500 people before the war, and now look at us. 22 people. (DID I MISS SOMEONE??? Names: The Seven, Connor and Travis, Katie, Will, Pollux, Butch, Nico, Clovis, Reyna, Hank, Larry, Octavian, Jayden, Lily and Natash. I THOUGHT IT WAS 24. No wait: Grover and Unknown. THEY COUNT, RIGHT? RIGHT???) That was a single war." I sighed sadly, wishing I didn't have to break the news. "And now we are going to have another war, this time against greater forces and powerful monsters."

Everyone was shocked into stunned silence, even Natash. I locked eyes with Percy, and he walked over, smiling and holding my hand. I took in another breath, and continued.

"The next war is in four days from now." I said, regretting telling the new campers. Like, you just arrived, and there was news that a war was coming. And we don't even have much people.

"You're kidding right?" Lily asked, pale-faced. "This is a big joke, right?" One glance at everyone told her the answer. It's real, and it is coming.

"You will have to train a lot." Percy broke the silence. "We are really sorry for that. But who knows, things can turn for the better." Everyone ate in a grim silence, and Natash didn't seem so enthusiastic about war anymore. After dinner, everyone scattered to train numbly while Octavian watched everyone, unhappy about the fact that he is in the Greek's home turf.

The Seven walked stiffly towards the Big House, and revised our plan.

"You know it is going to fail, right?" Jason asked me. I nodded, painfully aware of this fact, but there is a tiny chance that Abaddon is going to respond.

"What happens if Abaddon is listening right now?" Piper suddenly said from her seat beside me. "What happens if he had heard everything we said?"

"He is Gaia's son right? So that means he is like, a monster, and monsters can't enter through the boarder." Frank said firmly.

We all nodded, silent, trying to think of something to say.


I CAN'T THINK OF A CLIFFHANGER :(((((((((((((((((((((((((

And to @Autumn_Zoey_Artemis_, Coley Terris will be here soon!


This chapter is dedicated to ya.


And @christmascookie26, what cha think of Allyson's description?

Thanks to everyone to voted and commented!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU

And for the people who made a character for this, lemme tell you something.

They are extremely important, and without the 6 new girls, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter WILL NOT SURVIVE.

Just so you know   :P

Percy Jackson, The Son of Gaia (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon