Split up

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Nico P.O.V

I sighed as I half-listened to Leo rattle on about the destruction of the Argo II. We woke up at some crossroad where two tunnels lined with tiles intercept, and decided to walk along one and try to find the others. It seemed like someone had split the Seven up, and dumped us in various places. And I had the pleasure of being with Leo.

"Gaia said that Tartarus was supplying her army, like, he was letting them free and things, and so that horrid person who blew up my precious baby must be alive then. That person is going to regret bringing a bomb on board my ship." Leo ranted. "And then--"

"When a person dies, don't they go to the Underworld, not Tartarus?" I interrupted. "How can they come back to life then?"

 "I don't know." Leo shrugged. "Ask Luke. He came back to life somehow. And anyway, if Luke is alive because of Gaia, that means that the demigod, or who he is, is alive, and he is walking on this earth, and..." He resumed talking about his ruined warship. I frowned. How can people come back to life? I know Hades is still siding with the Gods, and no one is escaping that much. I wonder...

Leo suddenly halted in his tracks. I looked back at him. "What?" I asked.

He dug around the pockets of the tool belt. "This is a good chance..." He muttered. As soon as he got out a bell, I understood what he meant. He started chasing me, a bell in one hand and ribbon in another.

"Why do you want to put a bell on me so much?" I asked as I ran straight into a shadow, appearing on the other end of the corridor.

"Aw! Come on!" Leo whined. "You always appear out of nowhere and scare everyone. So if you had a bell--"

"Hurry! I have something to tell you." Luke suddenly appeared between us, panting and looking back at the hallway he'd came in. Leo walked over, and I glared at him until he reluctantly stuck the bell back in before I jogged to Luke. "I don't have much time. Gaia needs me. I've found out that Gaia's son is called Abaddon (A/N I am sick of copying and pasting the Greek form, so I am now doing Abaddon) and he might be that source of power you guys are after. Another thing: He seems like he is among you."

"You are with us?" I asked the tired demigod. He nodded. "And what do you mean by 'among us'?"

"He is like, disguising as one of you, or something." Luke explained. "Maybe he is watching you. I don't know. Got this from Gaia's conversation with Tartarus. I have to go now, before she notices I'm gone." He ran back the way he'd came, leaving us wondering what he meant.

Abaddon P.O.V

I listened to Gaia as she relayed another list of things I need to do. "You've split up the Seven?"

I nodded. "Yes, Mother. I have Annabeth here, in the cell with the items you've told me to put in."

She laughed, nodding in approval. "Everything is going so well. How are the others? Who's with who?"

"I placed them in pairs, as Nico came with us." I explained. "Jason is with Hazel, Piper with Frank, and Leo with Nico."

"Oh good. Nico came? The more the merrier. Ah, Luke, come here." She called as Luke walked in, smirking. "Got the message through?"

"Yeah. Gave them to Nico and Leo. They seemed to believe it."

Gaia cackled. "Good. Nice idea, pretending to be on their side." Luke nodded. "And meet my son, Abaddon." Luke came over, and inspected me.

"Is-isn't that Percy?" He faltered, looking shocked.

"Complicated mess." I explained. "I was Abaddon, but then Mother wanted me to become a Greek to make things more fun. That is when I am Percy."

"Boys! Talk later." Luke bowed and left, and Gaia turned to me. "You too. Go to the cell. I think Annabeth is awake." I groaned, but I still bowed and exited the room. Sighing, I walked to the cell, opening the door and going in. I just had to be Percy. I thought grumpily. I closed my eyes and went into myself, allowing Percy's consciousness to surface.

Annabeth P.O.V

I opened my eyes, squinting at the bright light. Frowning, I got up and looked around. Percy was sprawled beside me, starting to wake up, and we were in some cell with concrete walls on all side except the front where steel vertical bars trapped us in. Random items were scattered around us. Rope, a rubber ball, paper, and some sticks.

"A-Annabeth?" Percy asked, getting up and looking around.

"Right here." I replied. "In a cell. How are we captured, Percy? Aren't you keeping watch?"

"I-I don't remember." Percy frowned. "I said I was going to keep watch, and then everything is blank. And this place looks like a trash can." He crawled to some crumpled paper and smoothed them out. The ceiling of the cell was so low, you can't even stand up fully. Only at some half-crouch position. "Nothing on the papers."

I looked at the items, and tried to figure out a way to be free. There was a rusted padlock on the cell door, and maybe we can cut it free or something. "Percy, still got Riptide?"

He patted his pocket, before nodding. I took the pen from him and allowed the sword to expand. I sawed at the bars, grimacing at the sound. No good. I gave it back, and considered another way to escape.

"Annabeth! Above you! Look out!" Percy suddenly cried. I rolled away, looking at the ceiling above me. A rectangle was cut there, and it fell out to land where I sat seconds ago. I inspected the ceiling more carefully, and satisfied there will be no more falling concrete slabs, I checked out the rectangle, before looking at the hallway outside the cell. It's wide enough...I looked at the ceiling of the hallway, and saw a hook that slides along the entire roof right outside the cell.

"Percy, get me the rope and rubber ball." I told him, double checking that the plan I had to get us out can work. I tied the rope around the concrete slab, before sliding it out through the bars. I winced, realizing that if I let the slab fall, it will make a noise loud enough to attract attention.

"Here." Percy stuck Riptide out the gap between the bars, and we managed to make the slab fall back down with little noise. Now I got a slab of concrete out. I threw the rope that was attached to the slab to the hook, and after a few times, I got the rope inside the hook. "What are you doing?"

"You pull the rope, which lifts the slab through the help of the hook on the ceiling of the hallway." I hastily explained as I judged how hard I need to throw the ball. "I then throw this rubber ball, hopefully hitting it enough so it moves forward in front of our cage door. That also moves the concrete block. Then you let go of the rope, and hopefully it falls onto the padlock. Of course, it is only the side of the slab that is doing this. The padlock breaks, and we are free. But there will be a loud bang, so prepare to run." Percy whistled, before nodding. He pulled hard, and the block raised higher and higher. When I was high enough, I told Percy to stop and took a breath. Only one chance. I threw the ball, and held my breath. It inched closer, closer...Yes! It worked!

"I let go now?" Percy asked. I nodded.

"And be prepared to run." I reminded him. He let go of his grip on the rope and the slab fell...


No, I haven't finished plotting. We were doing so much these last few days so holidays...



Percy Jackson, The Son of Gaia (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα