Exchanging information

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Piper and I were wandering around, trying to find the other Seven, Nico, or anyone else. Other than monsters. We had met no one, monster or demigod, and I was getting restless. That was until an Iris-message popped up in my face, scaring me out of my skin.

"Frank!" Reyna exclaimed. I recovered and got back up from where I had fallen on the floor. I know, embarrassing.

"Reyna! How are you?" I replied. "Sorry I am not at camp, we are on another quest. Is Octavian doing fine?"

"Octavian is nagging everyone, but yeah, we are doing well." I looked at the scenery behind her, and it looked extremely familiar. Of course it is, I thought. Its Camp Jupiter's.......climbing wall?

"Is that Camp Half-Blood?" I asked incredulously. Travis popped up on the screen.

"How are you doing?" He asked, before Connor pulled him back and hissed something in his ear.

"Yes, it is."

"Why are you there?" Piper asked. Reyna seemed to stiffen a little bit, and I wondered why. Oh yeah, Jason.

"We only have 4 campers left, and Chiron said some help would be nice, because there were only 9 campers keeping camp up and working." Reyna explained. "Camp Jupiter is in too much of a ruin to fix right now."

"So, everyone is now at Camp Half-Blood?" I summed.

"Yes. We are doing fine, except for Octavian." Reyna smiled. "But I got that fixed by making some dummies look like Greeks. He spends all his time at the arena now."

"Okay....." Piper commented.

"How is your quest?"

"Uh, bad. I am assuming we were split up and placed in different areas of the Labyrinth." I told her. She nodded, before looking back.

"I have to go now. Come back soon." Reyna told me. The Iris-message disappeared.

Jason P.O.V

We had been walking for at least a good hour now. Hazel can’t seem to make tunnels currently and I am extremely useless because thunder and flying are no good in our situation.

"Who separated us?" Hazel asked.

"No idea." We kept walking, but then up ahead I heard voices and quickly pulled Hazel into a small side tunnel.

"Isssn't funny how the demigodsss doesssn't realize that Gaia isss risssing in five daysss, not three weeksss?" A monster hissed. A Dracanae.

"Yes." Someone else said. To me, it sounded like a person. "You told me that like, four times. But it will be interesting to see how they react when we attack in five days." Hazel glanced at me grimly. I nodded stiffly back. Five days . . . We have to hurry finding this thing that is giving Gaia power. They walked by us, and we pressed tightly to the wall. Luckily, they seem to be in a hurry and left quickly.

"Did you see who the other person is?" I asked Hazel once I was sure they were far away.

"No. But we have to find the others, and tell Chiron this." She replied. We were about to run back into the main tunnel when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped, turning to look at the offender and already getting my Gladius. Was that . . . Percy? I looked closer. Yup. It's him.

"Hello! How are you two on such a fine day?" Percy laughed. Annabeth rolled her eyes from behind him and came over.

"You looked like you've seen ghosts. What happened?" She asked, pushing Percy aside. "And where is everyone else?"

"I don't know. We were separated." I told her. "And just then, a monster and, I am assuming, a demigod were talking about how Gaia is going to launch her attack in five days, not three weeks." Annabeth paled, and Percy frowned.

"We seriously have to find the others, and find a way to Iris-message Chiron." She noted. "And we got nothing new. We were trapped in a cell, and strangest thing is, there were no guards. But we got free and here we are."

We started walking in any direction. The tingling sense of power was again messed up, and we just picked a way to go and hoped for the best. We walked in silence for a while, before I decided to ask the question that I had thought about ever since we got the quest.

"What are we going to do with that item that's giving Gaia power?" I questioned. "Are we going to destroy it?"

Annabeth nodded. "That item, whatever it is, is the reason why Gaia is awake. If we destroy it, then Gaia should go back to sleep, and maybe we can do something about her army of monsters."

A loud voice drifted out of a smaller tunnel into the main one we were walking in.

"Are you bored? Because I’m bored." A voice echoed down.

"Leo?" Percy asked. We ran towards the voice and almost collided with him.

"Hey guys!" He cried excitedly to us, shooting a fireball at a nearby wall. “I’m bored, so I’m shotting fireballs for fun!” I groaned. Mix Leo with fire equals disaster. Leo, fire and fireballs? Forget it. "And guess what? I CAN SHOOT AN ENTIRE WAVE OF FIRE." He held his hands out and concentrated. A wave of fire erupted from his hands, looking like molten lava, before hissing as it crashed with the opposite wall. Leo leaned against the wall. "Super tiring though." Everyone was silent. OK then, Leo with fireballs and fire and a destructive fire wall. Why not?

". . . And how did you find out about your . . . new fire powers?" Annabeth asked warily.

"Oh, I was trying to put a bell on Nico, and I decided to threaten him onto staying put, and then boom! I found new powers!" Leo gestured everywhere. "Plus, where is Nico? And also, we saw Luke." Leo told us how Luke told them that the source of power is Abaddon, who is Gaia's son, and he might be lurking among us. I glanced at everyone, and they look grim and horrified. "Hey look! There is Nico!" I looked where Leo was pointing and saw an irrated-looking Nico appearing out of the shadows.

We managed to force Leo to agree to stick no bells on Nico, before we all shared information. Nothing was good news. How Gaia's son is the source of power and he might be watching us right now, and the War is in five days.

"Lets hope Piper and Frank had good news." I muttered as we walked silently. Just then, they came, and after some breath-catching and talking, Piper said that Camp Jupiter had come into Camp Half-Blood because both camps had trouble managing by themselves. We exchanged information, and started walking towards nowhere.

"I think Abaddon might be Gaia's greatest son, like in the prophecy." Annabeth noted, and we nodded. Makes sense, if he was the source of power.

"Well, at least everything is going right for once." Percy said. "We've found each other, and we got some new info on things."

Of couse, that was when everything went wrong.








SOON....................................... (But like, practically everyone guessed correctly so whatever )

Percy Jackson, The Son of Gaia (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now