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*falls off chair*

2 0 0 0


Annabeth P.O.V

I stood frozen next to Thalia's Pine Tree. I could not believe what I am seeing. An endless wave of monsters were outside and inside camp boarders, and we only had 21 demigods fighting and one centaur. I watched, horrified, as the wave crashed against us. Octavian, that squirm, was nowhere to be seen. Most likely hiding from the fighting. An almost infinite number of horrors against 20 demigods and Chiron. We were doomed. Gaia appeared next to me, cackling.

"You see darling? You have no chance against us. The only reason you are even alive is because I spared you. That goes for everyone. Abaddon would have killed all of you, if it wasn't for me." I tried to move, but I stayed frozen, un-moving. I stared, loathing, at the earth goddess, wishing I could move so I can have a swipe at her. "Look at all of you, just trying your best. But it is not enough."

I looked back, and I saw myself, back to back with Percy, fighting for our lives. Leo was doing his best with the fire wave thing, but a claw contacted with his shoulder and he fell back, the monsters flooding over him. I tried to look away but my eyes seemed fixed too, forced to look at the battlefield. Hazel yelled out something to Frank, before she too was sucked back. One by one, we were falling to the monsters, defeated, dead. My hand flew to my mouth, and I couldn't stop the tears spilling out. Was this really going to happen? Have we failed? Are we just entertainment for Gaia, for the monsters?

There was a scream; Piper was down. Jason flew hurriedly over, but he was snagged by a Cyclops and was pulled into the withering mass of monsters. I watched with a cold sense of dread in my heart as the remaining people gathered in a small group, doing everything within their power to drive them back. There were too much monsters, and too less of us. Cabins were burnt down, and the last few were captured, no doubt as for target practice or physical torture.

The scene shifted to another battlefield, this time on Olympus. The statues and houses were destroyed, and many houses were burnt. I saw us, being shoved to the palace at the top. To my terror, Percy was nowhere to be seen. Where was he?! Gaia stepped forward, with a hooded figure beside her.

"Why hello, grandchildren and great-grandchildren." Gaia laughed as the Olympians approached. "Your precious Heroes are defeated. Care to see the rest killed?" She stepped aside to reveal us, bound with chains and bleeding badly.

The figure laughed coldly. "And guess where the leader is? Where is the great demigod?"

"Who are you?" Poseidon asked, his voice shaking.

"Why, I am Abaddon."

I woke up to see that everyone was already stirring. My heart was pounding crazily, and I stared at everyone, breathing deeply.

"Are you OK?" Jason asked, bobbing down to look at me.

"Nightmare. And it is really bad." Everyone gathered around, and Percy slung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

"It's OK. Everything's OK." He whispered. I nodded stiffly, and turned to everyone. I relayed everything I remembered about the dream, breaking down at the end and crying into Percy's shoulder. There was an uncomfortable silence, broken only by my sobbing.

"We have to tell this to Chiron." Nico started hesitantly. "I think I can manage another shadow-travel."

"New plan guys. Find Abaddon, and maybe try to figure our Gaia's plans so we can stop them." Jason mumbled gloomily.

"And how do we find him?" Piper asked. "This is the worst possible case. How are the monsters out anyway?"

"Doors of Death?" Hazel answered/asked. "Tartarus is with Gaia, right? He can maybe re-open the Doors of Death and let every monster out. And since the War is in four days, we don't have time to close them."

We sat there, thinking over our situation. It was hopeless. I wiped away my tears. "Abaddon is most likely Gaia's greatest son, from the prophecy, right?"

"Yeah." Leo muttered. "Like, you would have your greatest son to raise you back, right? So he wouldn't be killed so easily."

"If we kill Abaddon, Gaea goes to sleep." Frank stated. "So if we somehow locate Abaddon..."

"' He is among you.'" Percy quoted. "That's what Luke said. How do we find someone like him? If he is Gaia's son, he can most likely control the earth. Who's the father?" No answer.

"Let’s leave the father out." I said. "We need to find this Abaddon, and maybe try to persuade him to tell us Gaia's plans."

"And then what? Kill him?" Leo raised an eyebrow. "I don't think he will be willing to betray his mother. And he might be eavesdropping on us right now." We all looked around, but there was no one. Or so we thought, at least.

"Anyone else had dreams?" I sniffed. I still felt horrible after the dream.

"Nothing. Empty." Jason frowned. "It's weird." Everyone nodded.

"OK. About time we went back home."

We arrived in Hades' cabin, and stumbled out, shielding our eyes from the sunlight. Chiron trotted over.

"You don't look good." He said, gesturing to our cuts and bruises. "How was the quest?"

"Not good." Percy shook his head. "Gaia's army is arriving in four days, and it seems like Gaia's greatest son said in the prophecy is the source of power."

"Four days?!" Chiron exclaimed. "We hardly prepared anything. Octavian is grumbling about everything, and things are looking bad. Do you know anything on this Abaddon?"

"Next to zero." I replied. "And the army is almost infinite. We are guessing the Doors of Death are open. No time to close."

"And if we go in Tartarus, he would know, and do something bad." Percy shuddered. "We are trapped. In a dead end."

To make things just that bit better, a small army of monsters had arrived, roaring loudly.


Percy is not lying when he said 'dead end'

Like, I think I made the perfect plan for Gaia

And I doomed the camps



This chapter is the first time it had been fully one person's P.O.V

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