Getting stronger

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Leo P.O.V

Ohhhh great. We get the best job ever: Watch the son of Gaia. Me and Frank stood outside the Poseidon cabin door, too nervous to knock.

"You knock." I told Frank.

"Why me?" He protested. "You can do it."

"Don't be scared."

"Exactly. So go knock."

"I am feeling generous, so you can have the honour of knocking on the all great and mighty Poseidon's door." Before he could think of a comeback, I added: "And as a great son of Ares, the god of war, you are higher than me, a humble mechanic. SO GO AHEAD AND KNOCK."

After some debate. I was elected to knock 'because I am the son of Hephaestus and so doors are my thing'. I knocked quietly, before opening the door. We stepped inside, and saw Percy sitting on his bed, leaning back against the wall and smiling. It wasn't his usual cheerful smile though. This smile was cruel and murderous, not at all joyful.

"Abaddon." Frank muttered.

"Yes, that is me. Don't sound so angry when you say it, Frank. It's just a name." He laughed, sitting up. "So what had the others gone to do? I can't hear much of your conversation as Thalia's Tree is very strong and muffled most of the speech. But I did catch 'Olympus', and the skeletons of some small plan. Sad you didn't read the note out loud, so I had no idea who was betraying us." Abaddon laughed again, the sound echoing in the suddenly cold and tense room.

"What do you what? Why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, I want to see the destruction of your tiny camp." He replied, turning to lie fully onto the bed. "And I am here to have some fun, you know? It's so boring at base. Nothing fascinating happening, except for when Luke was speaking to you guys. You should have seen his face afterwards! So hilarious! And you know what? Being a demigod isn't so bad, but your powers are so limited by the mortal side."

"Get out of Percy." I growled, angry. No one goes along and possesses my friend.

"Oh, I'm not in Percy." He waved a hand, as if dismissing my words. "We are in each other. Great thing is, we are both born into this body, meaning that we both belong. You can't separate us. But down side is, I will never be at my full potential again. At least 2% of my brain must belong to Percy. He can't be killed fully. Same as me. Sure, you can somehow let Percy gain more control on who appears, but I will never be fully out. Only way to get me fully out is to kill me, and that kills dear Percy too. Is it not sad that you can't trust him? You can't trust the most loyal, trusting person, because of me. Oh, I love making life harder." Frank lunges out, with me alongside, but before we could even touch Abaddon, the ground brakes and the dirt floor below the smooth wood was revealed, sucking us in and trapping our feet. "You got to try harder than that. It's amazing you actually kill monsters, with reflexes as slow as yours."

"We defeated your mother, so shut up and swallow that." Frank snarled.

"She allowed you to win. But of course, it's to let you all feel some hope, before we crush it." He laughed again. This guy sure loves laughing. "It's so fun to crush hopes and dreams. You should try someday, that is, if you live."

The dirt swirled around our feet, before suddenly sucking us in.

"OH MY HEPHAESTUS! PIPER! HAZEL! SAVE OUR--" A mound of dirt lodged itself into my mouth, and I spat it out. We were up to our waists now, and can't do much except scratch the floor uselessly. Three seconds later, Piper and Hazel burst in, and saw the situation.

"Welcome to the party!" Abaddon smiled. "Want to join? There is always space."

The cabin rocked again, and Piper and Hazel were thrown into the quicksand-like dirt.

"Percy! Are you in there somewhere?" Piper yelled out desperately, as the dirt started rising. This is like some sort of movie. I thought suddenly. The heroes are stuck, the bad guy is winning, and just when everything seems lost, someone saves the day. But sadly, I am sure this is all real.

"Good idea Piper! Let Percy see what he have caused." Abaddon closed his eyes, and within a second, started coughing. He sat up, before seeing us sinking deeper into the ground.

"Leo! Frank! Piper! Hazel! What-what's happening?" Percy frowned, before trying to pull us out. He seemed to remember something, running off towards the Athena cabin. A few seconds later he came back, holding a...broom?

"Percy?" Hazel asked, worried. "Um, you know what to do?"

"Maybe." he said, removing the bristly end of the broom. "Everyone, lean back and like, float on your back if you can. Try to free your legs. I'm helping Piper first, that OK?" We nodded, and did what he asked. It was actually better, and I can't feel myself sinking anymore.

"Where you learn all this?" I joked.

"Annabeth forced me to read a book on some stuff, like how to get out of quicksand. I guess reading is good." Percy laughed, but this was light and happy, not like the one Abaddon laughs.

Soon, with the help of the wooden pole from the broom, we got out, covered in dirt and mud.

"How did you get in there anyway? Why is there this...mud pit in the middle of my room?" Percy questioned us.

"Um, we were...digging for treasure in the middle of your room and we managed to fall in and we found out that it was quicksand...?" I laughed. That sounded crazy.

Percy rolled his eyes, but laughed all the same. "Why was I just sleeping on the bed while you guys are sinking? I should have woken up from your yells."

"Um...we will tell you later, OK? Everyone else in the Seven went to find allies and uh, find a way to kill Abaddon." Piper smiled, although the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Have we found him yet?"

"...Yes, we have." Hazel started. "We saw him just then, and he trapped us in the pit. He, uh, knocked you out and dumped you on the bed and the rest is history." Percy nodded, and I was sure everyone was breathing a sigh of relief that we didn't have to reveal more about Abaddon. I was too.

An Iris-message popped up in front of Hazel, and we all jumped. It was Thalia.

"This is just to inform you and things. Artemis wanted to know how much monsters there might be, and some other information." She stated.

"Um, don't yell, OK? There might, might, be--" Piper faltered, glancing at Percy. "A thousand. Maybe. Wild guess."

"How many Hunters?" Percy asked, not noticing the glances we were exchanging.

"Sixteen, including me."

"From your background, you are going through some marsh, right?" Percy asked again.

"Yeah. Why you ask?"

"Watch out for Earth monsters. Gaia's son is active." And with that, Percy closed the Iris-message and flashed an evil grin at us.


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Happy Birthday VIV!!!!!!!! 13 today! Whoop whoop

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