"I bought groceries yesterday." Tim implied before narrowing his eyes at me. The male sighed before grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me into his room, "What's up, Max?"

"I-I need you to tell Ross your busy if he asks you about going out today..." I sighed not looking into my roomates gaze. I heard a mumble come from Tim before I felt his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Timtam nodding at me.

"Don't worry Max- I can tell you want some alone time with Ross." The male instinctively winked at me before turning away, "Heh, goodluck!"

A smile made it's way onto my face before I nodded at Tim, "Th-Thanks Tim."

An hour has passed since I told Ross about the carnival and we only had 20 more minutes to get ready. I gingerly paced around my room questioning whenever I made the right decision when I heard a knock sound at my door. "I-Come in!" I turned around to find Ross standing in my doorway, his blue eyes looked upon me before he smiled at me.

"So, you ready to head out Max?"

"Ye-yeah, I was just grabbing a few things." I could feel my face flush but I tried to ignore it as I marched towards my nightstand where I retrieved my phone and wallet before I walked back towards Ross. I paused infront of Ross before I made an akward hop in the air while screaming, "Let's a go!" Ross sent me a quick smirk before following me out of my room to head to the front door. Tonight will be the best night ever!

As soon as Ross and I made it to the carnival we paused in astonishment. The outside looked amazing- through the fences that surrounded the carnival you could see a large Ferris Wheel, Rollar Coasters that flipped in all directions, hell you could even see a couple of the game booths. "Well what are we waiting for- let's go, Max!" Ross implied before he grabbed ahold of my arm. My face burned as I looked down at my arm which was interlocked with Ross's before I felt the younger Male tug me forward.

However as we walked forward something caught my eye- through the corner of my eye I could see the slightest bit of purple. I quickly threw my head around- expecting to find Jin standing there however in that spot stood a small child with a large purple balloon tied around their wrist.

"Max, you ok?" Ross spoke from beside me, I looked over to realize that we had stopped walking. I must have broke down and paused completely at the sight of purple. I let out a nervous chuckle before I nodded in response.

A couple of minutes passed before we made it through the ticket booth and into the carnival. However as soon as we walked inside Ross stopped in his tracks as his jaw widened. I turned my head to look in the direction he was facing and there perched in one of the gamebooths sat a large fluffy Squirrel plushie. A grin made it's way onto my face before I marched towards the game booth with Ross following closely on my heels. As soon as I made it to the booth I frowned- of course it had to be the one thing I was bad at, the booth itself was a dart booth.

The man running the booth turned around and gave me an ecstatic smile before speaking, "Ah hello there sir, wanna win something for someone special? Well with only a low cost of $10 you can win something! If your able to pop 7 balloons in one go!" A frown made it's way onto my face as I turned to look at Ross who was examining the plush with full content now. I gingerly dug into my pockets before I pulled out $10 and gave it to the man.

The man smiled down greedily before snagging the money out of my hand, he quickly raced away to gather darts and Ross turned to look at me, his blue eyes were watching me with worry. "Whaa- Max are you sure? You always get anxious from the loud 'POP' noises that the balloons make!"

"Thanks for specifying, Ross and acctually I am sure." I folded my arms as though trying to act like a little kid but, Ross finally gave in and decided to say nothing more. The man who ran the booth finally came back after 1 minute with the darfs before he pointed to the balloons that hung on the wall behind him.

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