T E N : Us

39 14 11

Song: Power is Power by SZA, The Weekend and Travis Scott.

Kara's POV

"Hunh?" Damien and I both said

Gavin collected the Meridion from Damien and sighed.

"Mist is the 'colourness' of the wishing stone. The host, now that's also a wishing stone but it hosts the mist from the other twelve wishing stones" Gavin explains

"Twelve wishing stones?" Damien asks

"Well ya see a long time ago, -skipping all of the other details - a prism was made with twelve wishing stones and it brought destruction upon the world. Lydon used it to wreak havoc and blah blah. When Amille found it and saved the world again, she feared another foolish mortal would do the same so she broke the prism and scattered the stones around the world. Now we have to gather them and transfer their mists to the host - Darra's amulet - and then we build the prism - which was also destroyed - and then we can finally defeat Lydon and save the world" Gavin explained

"I didn't want to interrupt your whole speech cause you seemed to enjoy it. But dude, her name's Kara, who the butt is Darra ?!" Damien said after Gavin took a deep breath.

"Dude what's your deal with butts?" I said

"That's what you got from what I said? Who is Darra!" Damien asked well more like shouted

"Darra is my grandmother you butt! Gosh!" I shout frustrated

"Geez woman calm down! And Gavin where are you!" Damien and I didn't notice Gavin leaving.

"Well while you two were bickering, I stepped out a bit. Now Damien, here's the full story" Gavin said and he and I explained everything.


Not long after Gavin and I explained everything to Damien, Mona came in.

"Hey Mona" Damien and I greeted at the same time.

"Hi" she said looking at us weirdly

"So..what's up?" I asked as she made herself comfortable on my bed

"What, am I not welcome here?" She said getting a bit angry.

Not necessarily as we were in the middle of something.

To be fair I  don't blame her. If the roles were switched, I would totally flip.

One time, back at the foster care, Lenny and the twins (Jess and Brigitta) were always hanging out, whispering stuff in each other's ears and giggling in the night. I was already raving mad, but I tried my possible best not to show it ,which didn't help anyway. So  onetime, I pretended to sleep so they could start their giggling and then I eavesdropped. Turns out they were planning a birthday party for me. That was like when I was 16. When it was  eventually the D - day, I had to fake my surprise but Lenny saw through it and called me aside. I confessed and then we both vowed to never keep secrets from each other, only if they were birthday parties.

"Of course you are" Damien said

"Okay then" she said calming down "But seriously, what's been up lately? Sulky Damien who never left his room only to go to the home theater, who hated Kara without even meeting her, all of a sudden, warms up to her and starts coming for meals, hanging with her in her room and jokes with her and other normal stuff, suddenly becomes Social Damien. What is going on! Please don't loop me out! Kara I don't understand, I thought we were gonna be friends but now you only hang out with Damien! Casper's at some stupid boy camp leaving me alone in this big ol' house  with six other people, yet I still feel alone!" Mona said at the edge of tears.

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