T H R E E : We have a pool!?

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Dedicated to BatgirlGeek
Song : if you want love by NF

Kara's POV.

"Hi" I say shyly. I Dont think I've very been this nervous in my life. Even when I kidnapped Dylan, I wasn't this nervous (maybe because I was intoxicated ;)

The little boy looked at the girl, then looked at me and then he ran up to me and hugged me.

I smiled goofily and hugged him back. Then after the girl uprooted the little boy from me, she gave me a lazy smile.

"Hey..I'm Mona..sorry about him..he's Casper by the way..he doesn't talk much..Damien is- Sorry! I hope I Dont creep you out" She rambled

Then Casper goes to hide behind Mona and smiles a bit showing me that his two front teeth are missing.

"Its okay..Mona..I'm Kara" I say trying my best to be polite and friendly

She smiles then takes a hold of my hand as Casper scrambled off.

"C'mon let me give you a grand tour!" She says

She didn't even ask. Well I'm not complaining, I actually don't mind. I just wouldn't have asked.

We head up a spiral of stairs which lead to the next floor.

"So this is the second floor? Of our ..house. Sorry I've never been a tour guide before"

I shrug "I've never been a tourist before" I say and she chuckles.

We walk through the hallways and she fills me in on ..our..family details.

"So what about Damien? Millie wouldn't stop talking about you guys and she mentioned Damien. Our supposed older brother? Sorry for prying" I ask. There are a million and one questions I can ask. One at a time, I wouldn't want to scare her off.

"Oh don't be ridiculous! Your not prying, we're your family now" She says


"Well...he's in his room..and he doesn't like disturbance" She said. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it so I don't ask again.

Along the way, I learn a lot about my new..family. I can never get used to that.

So Mona is 18 like me and in her final year like me. Only she goes to a public school, and I've been home schooled my whole life. She said school resumes in a few weeks' time and the thought scares me. It's always been me, Lenny, Hannah and our textbooks.

Casper is four turning five, he never speaks, and the loudest noise they've ever heard him make is a giggle. Some shy boy he is.

And Damien.. Well..he's Mona's older brother. That's all she told me about him. I wonder when I'm going to meet him. He sounds...intriguing.

We come to a halt. "And this is what I like to call, our 'chill zone'. Its just for us kids, mom and dad get the living room and all that formal stuff. Its really nice and cozy here. We all used to hang out here until Damien shut me out. Well all of us..ever since Deborah ruined his life. She prefers 'Debby' but there's no way in hell that I'd ever call her that" She says as we both take a seat on the lazy boy recliners.

"I hope I'm not talking too much. I'm just so really excited. I finally have a sister! Do you know how it is, living with a nineteen year old boy who shuts me out and a little four year old who hardly talks either?! I bet you don't" She admits and I pity her. But only a bit though.

I chuckle "Well at least you didn't ever have to worry about money or the creepy old sound that comes from your bed or the weird whistling in the night or eating cold food and taking cold showers. Lucky you"

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