T W O : The bright side

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Dedicated to BatgirlGeek again! (I promised her three chapter dedications ^_^) for making me an awesome cover.

Song: In my head by Ariana Grande!!!! ....^^_^^

Kara's POV.

Two weeks have passed and I'm still the same. Just lesser. Friendless, hopeless, lifeless and helpless.

If Lenny were here, she would tell me to look at the bright side and list three things that are positive. She would always say there was a good to every bad.

She's so wise, I'm starting to feel brainless without her. Okay bright side, I can do that.

One-i have the whole room to myself? But its lonely and cold in here. Lenny would sing and magically warm the air. Two-I don't have to pretend to like Billie eilish. Its a wonder how someone as peppy as her likes Billie eilish. But then her songs have grown on me so I guess its not that bad. Three-I don't have to do Lenny's chores whenever she goes out to see her aunt. Well now the chores are even more.

So much for Optimism.

"Kara, get down here" Hannah said. I ignore her, like I've done the past fourteen days.

"Kara" She warns. Just great. Peace and quiet out the window.

More like sadness and loneliness.

Why I oughta- "Kara, for Pete's sake get down here or so help me" Hannah says. I head downstairs reluctantly.

When I get down the stairs, I am met with Hannah and two other goofs who apparently want to adopt me. Good luck weirdos.


"Okay Mrs Mongul, if that would be all, I suggest you give Kara some time to pack" Hannah said in the happiest tone I have heard her yet.

I still can't believe it. I'm actually getting adopted. I'm getting adopted.


I almost scream out loud. Its not like I'm excited or anything, I'm just really shocked. I thought I would end up like Hannah. She never got adopted and took over the agency when the head died. It's actually very very sad.

"Yes that would be all thank you" The weird looking woman with jet black hair said. Her hair was the blackest thing I'd ever seen.

I'm lost in thought when Hannah rushes me up the stairs. With a giddy smile, I pack my stuff.

Okay maybe I am excited. It's all happening so soon. After 7 years and 37 rejections, I'm finally getting my own home! And I'm leaving this hell hole, most importantly.

I couldn't visit Lenny before for some stupid reason, but I sure can now!

Oh God, oh God, I need to take a breather. After dropping my copy of Pride and Prejudice, I step outside for some fresh air.

I sit on the old rocking chair and rock while I whistle one of Lenny's favourite tunes. I reach up for my amulet and hold the stone close to my heart.

My grandma gave it to me and it is the most important property I own. Heck its the only important property I own. Its what I have to remember her.

I remember her exact words as she gave it to me on her death bed.

"Kara my daughter. You are young now but you will grow up into a strong and fearless woman. Take this. Hold it dear to your heart so as you rub it against your chest, you may remember me .Do not let it get into the hands of evil. And you must wear it at all times. The time will come when you will figure it out. I must go and rest now my daughter. Remember this. You are more powerful than you know" She said with her last breath. I held her hand and cried as I wore the necklace.

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