Choices have Consequences

Start from the beginning

A fast snarl lit Jades lips as her mother spoke. Her eyes  lit up her protective instinct kicked in her k9s grew and her body seemed to step slightly away from Erin, she wasn't  sure if it was to protect him from her or her mother or both. All were viable options. "My mother and father are dead. You are nothing to me Gabrielle. You know nothing  of what I have been through, you just got the tail end of it. I am no one's child I was abandoned as a baby." Spit Jade venomously. Her eyes were cold, no light, no laughter, no love for the woman in front of her. "Oh you can see it your led to Troubles for me." Jade saw Gabrielle's glance to her mate. "If you mean Erin in any context, than your sorely mistaken, he is not to blame for anything. He has helped  me with everything. Which is way more than I can say for you." Jade growled." You knew this would come eventually and you still left me. I can't believe you," Jade said coldly, Erin never seen her this cold and unfeeling before it was probably almost eerie.

"Ulric was looking  for me, so this would of happened  regardless of anything. No you can't  change what had happened to me. You don't  deserve to be here. As far as I know your someone who helped me out to get back to my mate and pack. You can't  blame another for your mistake, if I would of known maybe some of this wouldn't have happened." Jade said her voice unwaveringly cold. Her eyes had darkened the normal Ice blue went to black and a fiery ice blue something  only Lycan blood can unlock when they are furious or severely angered. Jade wasn't taking her mother's shit. "You have no say over anything Gabrielle you may have Birthed me, but I have no mother. She died giving birth to me." Jade said knowing  where to strike with her words. " you want to stay, fine, but you come nowhere near my pups. You can't fix this Gabrielle, you should go back to the witch coven, because I don't want you here. You can no longer stand by and do nothing? Why that's what your good at, I got where I am at no thanks to you at all." Jade snarled her e demeanor  towards Gabrielle hadn't changed and wasn't going to. Her eyes had gone back to normal. "I don't know what you expected from me coming here a warm welcome, that's okay I understand it must've been hard for you to live a cushy life with the witches." Jade said. She held her hand up. "This is mine and Erin's pack and pack house now I don't want to hear anymore. You wish to stay still there is a spare bedroom down the hall under the stairs. I don't  know you as a mother so don't try to act like one to me. Eventually if you prove of use to the pack will see about you having contact with the pups. You attack anyone or try to harm anyone in the pack you will answer to me and I don't care if your my aunt, my mother, my brother, or uncle, I will rip you to pieces. Right now however, I have to go, I just gave birth yesterday to two pups, I am bit tired and a 5 year old to raise." Jade said and turned on her heels not wanting to  hear more from Gabrielle. She walked up the stairs and looked at Alex, "take her to the spare room in the hall under the stairs. She will be staying indefinitely." Jade told him. "She need to be watched?" He asked. "No, but she goes nowhere near my pups." Jade said and made her way back to where her newborn pups were. 

Her temper still on edge, she sniffed two wolves in her pups room and rushed in. She breathed  a sigh of relief as she saw it was Alyssa and Jax. "Thank you. " Jade said and took hers and Erin's son from Jaxs grip, they had woken while she was gone. There  small cries got louder at her scent. "Fenris, Lysander. My pups it's okay. I am here." She said softly when she got Fenris from Sam. She knew what the pack thought  of her dark haired son, none of them seemed to want to be near him. She knew he was a product of a very unholy evening. However she loved him and wasn't going to have him alienated  technically, he was a full Lycan, as were all of her children. Piss them off and you feel the wrath, not till they were older. She was definitely worried about when Lyn got older. Her daughter had her temperament.

Jade looked up from calming down her pups when Erin entered. She sighed. "Sorry " she said. Her head tilted back as he walked up and kissed him when he leaned down to kiss her. Her pups were much bigger than most newborns, but that's how Lyn had been she looked like a year old at 6 months, right now she was 5 years old but looked 7 or 8.  That's how Lycan pups grew fast strong and smart. Lyn had the mind of a 40 year old sometimes. Her sons would be the same as they would act like 1 year olds at 6 months there development was fast and growth spurts were often. Each would be fully grown at 16, they would look like young adults by then and could definitely get into trouble with that notion. It's how she had looked at 16. She was almost immortal  all she needed was the Lycan change. The one thing that could kill her was silver bullets. That was about it, the things she learned from Ulric and his Lycan books. She had learned some things and picked up a bit of a temperament, but only in protecting her mate. Children and pack. 

Jeremy walked in as Jade was laying  down next to her pups again nuzzling them. "So you let her stay, I see." He said. "For now." Jade said. " what she want?"He asked. "To come back into my life and care for me and my children. She however is not allowed  near Lyn or the twins. She abandoned me, I don't trust if I let her watch my children she wouldn't do the same if the opportunity a rose." Jade said. Jeremy sighed, "Jade she came here to try with you, don't shut her out." He said knowing  he would hate it if Erin shut him out. "She will have to earn the title of Grandmother if she wishes to even be near her grandchildren. I can do as I please when it comes to a negligent parent. She had 30 something years to make it right and only when she hears what has happened  to me does she want to step in now, tell me how I am not being fair, she can stay and earn trust enough to have time with my grandchildren." Jade said. Jeremy nods, she was right he couldn't argue much with her logic. "Of course Jade, may I hold one?" He asked. Jade was hesitant  at first than nods and hands him Fenris. Jeremy takes the small baby and smiles as the bright blue eyed dark haired male looked up at him. "Hi." He smiled softly and cradled the child close. Fenris seemed to make a noise and fuss in the males arms. This man was not his Mother or Father. He squawked in a panic which made Jade get up and walk over as she held Lysander. "Fenris, this is your grandfather. Your okay." She said. She knew hearing  her voice would calm the uneasy infant. Lysander had already fallen asleep in her arms. 

Fenris didn't  calm and she sighed  giving Lysander to Erin and took Fenris and cuddled him close till he calmed down. "Shhh little one your safe." She said and nuzzled him. He smiled and laughed. A bright smile lit her lips, werewolf  and Lycan children reached milestones way ahead of normal children. The boys already looked more like 3 month olds than newborns. Her little loves, she missed seeing Lyn, it been two days but she still missed Lyn. 

Shane smiled at his love and kissed her head. He rolled his eyes "and I love you for it." He said and lay a gentle hand on her stomach. He kissed her stomach and winked back up at Val. Shane looked over at Lyn asleep  in there room. She was fast asleep curled up into her blanket. He looked back at Val and frowned softly. "I am sure she will be fine, she has Erin. Though she does seem a bit different from before. Just something you can feel like around  any Lycan. Ulric and her mother. She has that Lycan air about her like Lyn and the pups. Though maybe know what she is fully helps I think Jade will be fine she is more grounded now and again she has your brother. Plus now two little male pups." He said. He curled up with her,  and sighed. He wanted to see the pups and he would soon. "However you must worry about you and our pup. I know you still have nightmares. No and I mean no one will ever touch you again or our pup." He told her and kissed her cheek.

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