"Please, don't tell anyone about this stuff." Craig mumbled out after a moment, his free hand tugging at the grass below them. His sleeve moved up from this action, exposing to Kenny the multiple burn wounds he hadn't seen last night. Of course, that's how Craig had wanted it.


Though this had been a serious discussion, they were both a little pleased with how well their conversation had gone - it had been a long time since they were able to just talk to each other. Sighing as the second hour bell rang, Craig put his cigarette out on the bricks, sliding the rest of it back in the pack for later. Without another word to Kenny, he roughly grabbed his chin and planted a firm kiss on his lips, before walking off towards class. To both of them, it was his way of thanking Kenny for being there for him.

It was a surprise, however, when he stood up to find Butters across the courtyard, still as a statue. Kenny's heart stopped as he knew there was a high possibility of Leo having seen Craig kiss him; it wasn't like Butters liked him, but if Kenny ever had a chance with him, this wasn't going to help. Much to his surprise though, Butters sent him a small wave before quickly ducking into the building behind him.

"What in the fuck?" Kenny muttered to himself as he stared after Leo, his head spinning at the sudden one-eighty from his crush. One minute Butters hated him, and then the next minute he was willing to hang out with him? What am I even supposed to do with this?!

Despite being utterly frustrated with the day, Kenny knew he needed to get to class. He wasn't looking forward to going home though, since he was going to have to deal with Leo being a part of the gang now - if that's what this meant. For once, Kenny was happy to sit in class and listen to the teacher.

The day went by faster than Kenny would've liked still. He was in his last hour for the day, avoiding looking across the room at Butters and Kyle having a conversation. For some reason, he didn't like the way it made him feel; there was something about the way Butters was constantly side-eyeing him. Obviously, he felt like Kenny still couldn't be trusted.

It was a big deal for him to have feelings for someone, so he understood why Kyle was trying to get to know Butters - it just irritated Kenny that it wasn't him that Leo was talking to. Even thinking that made him feel pathetic though, who was he to force anyone to be his friend? It seemed, at this point, that Butters was desperate enough for friends that he was willing to push his hatred towards Kenny to the side.

After the final class ended and everyone had left the classroom, Kenny sat at his desk while just staring at the papers in front of him. He hated how he didn't have control of this situation. His friends and plans depended on his stability, so Kenny sighed at his worries and left the room. Nothing was going to change if he continued sitting there like a lump on a log.

Sometimes, if they couldn't meet up inside the school at the end of the day, the gang would meet out front. Walking down the hallway towards the front doors, Kenny could see that they were all waiting on him; even Butters was already there, shyly making conversation with everyone. Craig seemed to be the only one looking for him, as their eyes locked before he was out of the doors.

"Hey, Ken!" Stan yelled from a few feet away, beating Craig to his attention. Kenny was comforted to see that Stan was sober for now, at least, a small smile greeting the group. "We were thinking we should give Butters a tour of our version of South Park, since he's, ya know, new here."

There were some words that were bound to be shared between Kyle and Kenny later, as he felt the ginger's eyes burning into the side of his head. For now, Kenny shrugged and looked out towards the road. "Sure."

Although everyone was picking up on his disinterested energy, Stan took lead in the group and started them towards one of their favorite spots: Stark's Pond. It had been awhile since they bothered to go over there, it often reminded them of a time when they were happier. That was probably why they didn't go frequently anymore.

Hate My Guts (Kenny x Butters) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now