Chapter - Five (Danny)

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“Goodnight guys.” I said to my older brothers as I got up to go to bed, they were still sitting on the couch, arguing about some other stupid thing, like always. Yeah, I loved them and all but sometimes they really pissed me off. They didn’t look like they were going to say anything back to me, so I headed off to the room. The new girl was already asleep, curled up in her sheets, and wearing only a tank top and shorts.

I stripped down into my boxers got into my bed, almost immediately drifting off to a deep, dreamless, sleep.

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up, and I rolled out of bed, hitting the off button with a little too much force. Aaron and Ryan weren’t in their beds, and I could hear the sound of the TV in the living room.

Haven was still in her bed, but she began to stir. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and walked out of the room, giving her time to take a shower and get dressed or whatever else girls do. Aaron was doing pushups, and Ryan was lying across the couch watching MTV. When, Ryan saw me, he sprang up, ran to me and started to mess up my hair. I felt honored that I was more interesting to Ryan than “16 and Pregnant.”

“Hey little bro, you feel up for hunting?” he asked me very enthusiastically, besides girls, hunting was Ryan’s favorite thing to do. (Get the pun?)

“Umm I guess so.” It had been a while since I had been hunting and with Haven here it would probably be a good thing if I went with Ryan. I put on my black jacket, the fall wind wouldn’t bother me, but it was good to keep up appearances. Ryan didn’t even bother to put on a shirt though, and I shook my head in disappointment. Hopefully though, it would be early enough that all the humans would still be sleeping. I wondered how Ryan always got away with walking around half-naked. We walked down the spiral staircase and into the lobby where the only person there was Mrs. Moore, the secretary. She was sitting behind her desk, typing away furiously on her computer. Her curly brown hair was down as always, but she suggestively flipped it as she saw us.

“Good morning boys, can I help you with anything?” she asked looking only at Ryan with a little overly-nice smile. I felt a need to gag, but I managed to turn it into a cough just as she finally looked at me.

“No, I think we’re fine, just going for a little walk,” Ryan lied smoothly. She nodded and smiled at us and we made our way to the front doors.

When we were outside and the door securely closed behind us, Ryan and I both burst out laughing.

“Ok, let’s go get something to eat.” We started walking down the grassy hill to the cluster of red, orange and yellow trees that was the surrounding forest. When we arrived, we let our smell take over, and sensing the sweet smell of elk blood, took off running. We came up to a small herd, and hid in a huge pine tree, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

I’ll take the big one.” Ryan said pointing to the biggest elk, directly beneath the tree we were in. He jumped off and landed on the beasts back. I jumped off too, landing beside the second biggest, and breaking its neck before it even had time to see me. I sunk my teeth into the animal’s neck and sighed in relief as the warm blood quenched the burning in my throat. I finished with my kill before Ryan did, and I waited around impatiently, not liking the creepy feeling I was getting.

Ryan finished draining the elk and got up, sighing in content.

“Ryan, do you think we need to be worried about the vampire scent you got yesterday?” I asked my older brother. I knew I probably shouldn’t be worried about it, it was probably just someone who was curious and then when they saw it was nothing interesting had left. But, I still needed to hear it from someone else.

“No, not at all,” he started, “Even if it is a threat, I only picked up one scent, and there are three of us. Just don’t stress about it bro, everything will be alright.”

I opened my mouth to say ok, but I got distracted as another vampire stepped out from behind a tree.

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” said a voice from behind us.

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