She Is Diana...

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"Okay! Where is it?" she asks clapping her hands and I move a bit towards the bedside table on my right.

I open the first drawer and take a small pink box in my hands. I close the drawer and hold the box with my hands in front of her.

"Open it, I hope you like it!" I say impatiently and she nods smiling.

She quickly takes the cap and opens her eyes widely in amusement with a 'wow' escaping her lips.

I took her a small bracelet from pink gold with small, sparking precious stones in her eyes' color, honey. I wanted something special for her because she is special for me so when I saw it she was my first thought because of its color and I couldn't hold myself from buying it.

"Do you like it?" I ask shortly and she lifts her head to look at me.

Her face is shining from happiness and I can't do anything else than smile, I think she really likes it and it is a big relief for me.

"It is awesome!" she yells and hugs me tightly.

We both start laughing and I put the box next to me to hug her back.

I am relieved she likes it and I have managed to cheer her up again in this way because she is very sweet and a great kid, not to mention that she really helps me forget the situation I am in.

"I am glad you like it. Come, I will help you wear it." I say and she pulls back like a flash giving me her hand.

I chuckle and take the bracelet in my hands. I quickly open its locker and then put it around her wrist and close it so it won't get out of her hand.

"We are done!" I say and she lifts her hand up proudly.

"You are the best Iris! I love it!" she yells and I raise my hand to caress her cheek.

"Perfect baby but now we need to talk about something... Okay?" I say seriously and she lowers her head already knowing what is coming next.

"So... When you have a fight with someone you can't just curl like a ball in a corner and sob baby. You have to understand that we are not the same characters and sometimes we disagree or even have some fights." I start and she stiffens nervously trying to look up to me timidly.

"But... Annie and I never fight. She is always nice but last night she wasn't and she left me. I am hurt." She whispers apologetically and I nod smiling warmly.

"Well Diana... Kids have answers for everything, try harder." Destiny says smirking and I roll my eyes.

Genius wolf I have!

"Libby, things like this can happen. Growing up you will see that people have worse fights than yours and Annie. When something like this happens you have to give time to the other and then try to talk with him about it once he is calmer. You don't have to get so sad, we all have some personal problems and maybe Annie was mad at someone else and not you." I continue and she bites her lower lip thoughtfully.

"What do I have to do now?" she asks me after some seconds.

"Try to talk to her later. Okay? Ask her if she has any problem with you and if she doesn't then try to forget about it. Listen to her and see what you want to do but don't cry, she may ask sorry..." I reply and she nods timidly.

"Okay, I will." She says and smiles but then a weird noise comes from her stomach and she hides her face in her hands giggling embarrassed.

"Oh, someone is too hungry!" I say teasingly and tickle her.

"Iris! No!" she yells and pulls back to fall on my bed laughing.

"I think we have to go at the kitchen and give you something to eat young princess..." I murmur as I am standing up and give her my hand.

His Rejected 'Queen'.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora