Now or never

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         "It's fine, babe." He reassured, running his fingers through her now short, pixie styled hair, "Don't worry about it."
But Talya could already tell from Layla's state that something more serious than a few beatings, that had now sadly become a regular part of her life, was happening for only she knew the reality of middle eastern life and problems. She had seen so much of it that now she could detect it like a machine.
"No, Brian, you don't get it. Tell me, Laili, what don't we know?"
Layla buried her face further onto Brian's chest, clutching so hard onto his shirt that the fabric tore between her long, unkept nails. She sobbed for the first time in a month, she faced her own feelings that had become her Demond's for the first time in a month. It felt relieving yet it didn't manage to ease the pain.
"I fucked up." She wept between gasps for air.
Brian ran his fingers through her hair, he wiped her tears away as much as he could but he just could not catch up with them.
"Look, it's okay." Talya said, "Nothing is as bad as we think, Laili. But you need to tell us so we can help you."
Layla just wanted to scream it out and get this massive, crushing pain off of her chest already. But as much as she tried, the words she wanted to say would be replaced with more sobs before they left her mouth.
"Whatever it is, Layla, we'll all be here for you. You won't be alone, we'll get through it together." Brian assured softly.
"I've put your life in danger, Brian, what do you see in me that's worth your life?" Layla asked breathlessly.
Brian chuckled, "What about you isn't worth putting my life in danger?"
"How have you endangered his life, Layla?" Talya asked.
That one single question regained control over Layla's broken, scattered emotions. Layla stopped crying, she forced herself to gather her scattered composure.
She had to tell him.
She had to tell them all.
"I'm sorry." She murmured to Brian.
Brian lifted her gaze, holding her head between his hands.
"For what, babe?" He asked.
Layla looked away, her lower lip trembled but she tried her best to stay strong.
"I...I'm pregnant." She mumbled so badly that she did not think they could even understand her.

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