Tell Me

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Layla opened her eyes and the first thing she felt was a throbbing headache and a stinging pain in her spine. She was cozily covered up in a blanket. But as her eyes scanned the room, she reliezed it was completely unfamiliar. She didn't know where she was! Layla quickly bolted out of bed but immediately fell back into the pillows groaning. The curtains were flying in the wind coming into the room through the opened windows. A black leather jacket laid on the foot of the bed, a pair of Nike sneakers were thrown on th floor along with a blue shirt. Layla tried to remember what happened last night, how did she get here? Where was she? Who brought her here? The last thing she could remember was Ali delivering a blow to her head back in the forest. Fear flew from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. What if someone had found her and raped her? What if Ali found out? She was close to tears, could life get any worse? Oh God, why did life hate her so much?
"Looks like you're awake." She heard a familiar masculine voice say from the door.
She saw Brian's lean figure leaning in the door frame with crossed arms and a smirk.
Layla quickly fought the aching pain in her spine to sit up against the pillows.
"Where am I?" She demanded.
Brian shut the door and sat on her bedside, "My hotel room.
Hotel room?!
"Wh-why? What happened last night? Why am I here? Wh-what did you do to me?" She babbled one question after the other.
Brian chuckled, shaking his head in disappointment.
"I don't need to rape, babe, I can get my own way with the lady's consent." He replied.
"Oh save your shit for someone who gives a fuck." She said in irritation, "Now answer me!"
"I didn't touch you, Honey, don't worry." He finally answered.
"Then why am I here?"
She gulped, what if he had seen what happened in the forest? What if he found out what Ali was doing to her and he told the media? Her life would get so much worse than now.
Brian bit his lip in anticipation, "I saw how mad Ali was when he picked you up from Alexander. He always fucks up when he's mad and I was worried about you so I followed you into the forest."
Layla's blood froze in her veins. He saw what happened!
"I...I." She mumbled.
"Are you pregnant?" He asked.
Layla looked away from his eyes, "I think I maybe. But I haven't taken a test yet."
Brian let out a sigh and she heard him whisper to himself, "How could he do that to her?"
"You saw everything?" Layla asked hopelessly.
"Does he do that all the time?" He asked.
"Don't answer my question with another question for fuck's sake." She sulked.
"Yes, Layla, I saw everything. Now can you answer me as well?"
Layla fought back tears and decided that being honest was her best route.
"His temper get's out of hand sometimes." She mumbled.
"Get's out of hand? Layla , raping your probably pregnant wife and leaving her and your baby to freeze to death in the middle of the forest isn't 'getting out of hand'!"
"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Layla shouted back.
"Do you think this is normal, Layla? This is wrong!"
She looked up at him with anger in her eyes, how dare he assume anything about her life? Who does he think he is?
"You don't know anything about me!" She sneered, "You have no right to assume anything about me!"
"I'm not assuming anything, Layla." He replied calmly, "I've seen a lot of domestic abuse survivors, I know how hard it can be but I'm just saying that you deserve better than this."
Layla already lost control of her tears, they were racing down her face. Memories of the night before blurred against thoughts of what her future could be twisted into a rock choking her throat. What if she was pregnant and the baby was a girl? What would Ali do to her and their baby? How could she bring another life into this hell when she can't even bear it herself?
"Do you think I don't know that I deserve better?" She yelled through tears, "But what can I do? Where can I go? If I dare leave him, my family will shoot me in the head before his do!"
She broke down in sobs, her cracked sobs echoed through the room. She pressed her legs against her chest and buried her head in her lap. She felt Brian's arm wrap around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. The scent of his strong cologne found its way into her nostrils, it seemed to strangely relax her.
"Layla, if anything comes easy then you know that you're doing something wrong because the best things never come easy to anyone." He beamed to her.
"He does this every single day...I always have to deal with." She sniffed between sobs, "I don't want him t-to touch me but he-he says I'm his and...I can't do shit about it. Wh-what if my baby is a girl? Wh-wh-what will he d-do to me and her?"
Brian rubbed her shoulders reassuringly, "Everything will be alright, Laili, I promise."
"You don't know that!"
"Maybe I do?" He pulled her by both shoulders looked into her eyes with a smile, "But no tears for today. I'll be showing you around Athens, how about it?"
"Ali will kill us both." She sighed.
Brian chuckled, "He trusts me, Laili, we're good."
Layla wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her velvet dress.
"But I don't have anything to wear and...I really don't want to get face to face with Ali again." Layla said in a small voice.
"You won't have to. I already bought you a few outfits while you were asleep." Brian replied.
Layla gave a greatful yet sad smile, "thanks."
Brian nodded and patted her on her the shoulder. He got to his feet and grabbed the leather jacket from the foot of the bed.
"You get freshened up while I run an errand real quick, alright?" He suggested.
Layla nodded, "thank you."
After Brian left, Layla decided to take a shower. Even though a part of her trusted Brian, she still decided to look the bathroom door just in case. As every drop of hot water landed on her skin, another memory flashed back before her eyes. Ali's kicks, the metallic taste of her own blood in her mouth, the bruises on her body, his forced thrusts inside her, the smirk he always had on his face when she would cry and beg him to stop, it all felt like...a part of her life. She was surprised to relieze that it no longer was like a big fear or a big shock, in fact it would shock her if Ali didn't rape or hit her. But what if she was pregnant? Was that the life she wanted for her child? Did she really want another life to suffer the way she was? At least she chose to marry Ali but what about that life that might be growing inside her? That little child was completely innocent, she or he didn't choose to be created, did it deserve to suffer? But even if it was so, what could she do? Could she run away with the baby? She quickly shook her head, he would find her easier than ever now that she was his wife and that she was pregnant with his child. And not for one second would he have any mercy on her or their child if it was a girl. Then what? Abort the child? No, that was never an option, that child didn't deserve to die. Then what?
Her thoughts started to make her dizzy. She shut off the hot water and wrapped a white towel around her mid-body. Brian was sitting on the bed, waiting for her back in the room. He smiled up at her indifferently while Layla herself awkwardly tried to cover herself with the towel. His eyes stayed locked in hers instead of grazing over her body in lust.
"There you go, now you look better." He said enthusiastically.
Layla giggled awkwardly, "I feel better."
Brian sighed and got up, "well, we've got three outfits here for your majesty to choose between. I'll wait down in the lobby for you."
Layla smiled sweetly, "you shouldn't have, Brian."
"Of course I did." He replied, "I'll see you downstairs."
He gave her one last smile before he left, shutting the door behind him. Layla sighed and looked down at the clothes he had laid out on the bed. There were three outfits laid out. A red velvet dress that probably reached her knees and had a golden belt around the waist with a pair of golden shoes with five or so high inch heels. She loved the dress, it reminded her of something she would wear in her early teenage years. The second outfit was a white crop top with lacing so around the neck and bottom, a black zip up jacket and white sweatpants with white sneakers. It seemed so comfortable and cozy, something she really always wanted to feel but rarely got to. The last was only a plain light pink t-shirt and a pair of blue denim shorts with the same matching pink shoes. Layla decided on the second one for the comfort of the sweatpants and oversized jacket. There was a backpack as well, Layla packed her own clothes and the other two outfits in the backpack and threw it over her shoulder. She tied her wet hair into a ponytail with a hair tie she had in the pocket of the dress she was wearing herself, she also found three one hundred dollar bills. She sighed, putting the money in the pocket of the jacket and left the door, walking down the fancy spruce hallways to the elevator.
Brian was sitting on the arm of a white sofa in the lobby, fidgeting with his hands as he waited. His face lit up as his eyes landed on her.
"They look so cool on you." He complimented.
Layla chuckled, "thanks."
She pulled out two one hundred dollar bills and put them in Brian's palm.
"No objections, please, Brian." She pleaded with a smile, "You brought me back and bought me shit and you're taking me out, this is nothing."
Brian sighed, he too reliezed it was useless to argue with her. He put the money in his own pocket and put his hand behind her back, guiding her outside. The Greek winds were cool and calming, the palm leaves on the trees flew around in the wind.
"So where do you want to go?" Layla asked once they were driving off in his Land Cruiser.
"What do you want to see while you're here?" He replied.
Layla thought for moment but then shrugged, "I mean I've already see plenty since I've been here before."
"How about breakfast first?" He suggested.
"I mean sure, why not."
Brian laughed, "we can invite your friends if you want."
Layla shook her head, "No, we'll just hang out ourselves. Anyway, can we have pineapple somewhere?"
"I'd kill someone for some tea and pineapple, I don't even know why."
Brian shook his head and laughed quitely to himself, "that's an early warning about the pregnancy, I guess."
"So is that a yes to the pineapple?"
"If you want some then yeah, I suppose."
Layla clapped her hands playfully, "You are the best, Bibi!"
Brian looked at her wiher a raised eyebrow, "Bibi?"
"Your new nickname!"
He fought back an outbreak of laughter.
"Can I please have another nickname?"
Before Layla could reply, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She fished it out, the caller ID showed an unknown Greek number. Layla had always been catious of strangers but she hesitatingly picked it up either way, considering that Ali usually switched numbers when they traveled and that it may be Bicara, Alexander, Archer or even Cassandra.
"Hello?" She answered.
"How's your morning in Greece, little lady?" She heard a familiar voice say at the other end.
"Emmet?" She chirped, "Oh my god! I almost couldn't even recognize your voice!"
Emmet laughed on the other end, "Oh really? I wonder why."
"Because you're getting old!" She proclaimed.
"You're only six years younger than me, idiot. That's not a whole lot."
"Shut up, I'm only twenty."
"Well I'm only twenty-six."
Layla rolled her eyes, "Yet you're still a single, lonely loser with no kids."
Emmet chuckled, "Are you my grandmother now? Anyway, uh, Talya, Alex, Cassandra and I are having breakfast, wanna come?"
"Funky Gourmet. If your husband or someone else is with you, they may know where it is."
Layla looked at Brian, she put the phone down for a moment and asked, "My friends are having breakfast in some restaurant called Funky Gourmet, do you wanna go?"
Brian shrugged, "Sure, I know where it is."
Layla turned back to her phone, "yeah, we'll be there."
"See you then, little lady."
"See you, old man."
Layla hung up and put the phone back in her pocket, feeling strangely happy.
"Laili, maybe I should just drop you off? You're gonna be meeting your own friends and I'm a-" Brian started.
"No, Brian. You're just as much of a friend as them." She interrupted, "Plus I think they'll really like you."
Brian laughed awkwardly, "I hope so."
Brian knew exactly where the restaurant was. He drove expertly through the tree surrounded highways of Athens, Layla only watched as he made turns. Layla could see Talya was sitting in Alexander's lap, she was wearing a tight black sleeveless dress that clung to her body until just below her knees. It looked expensive, something Layla knew that Talya herself couldn't afford. Cassandra and Emmet were sitting across from them, their backs to Layla. Alexander and Talya noticed her but Layla put a finger at her lips, shushing them.
She bent down and put her hands on Emmet's shoulders, whispered in his ear playfully, "Did someone miss me?"
Emmet turned his head so his twinkling eyes locked in hers, "Hey there, little stranger."
He got to his feet, taking her in his arms. Layla laughed as he twirled her with her feet dangling from the floor.
"Look at how much you've changed!" He exclaimed, setting her down.
"And your damn Afro has grown!" She replied, messing with his mop of curly brown hair.
"I'm here too! Thanks for noticing!" Talya said from behind them.
Layla walked over, she bent down and hugged her without her having to get up from her boyfriend's lap. She smiled and shook hands with Alexander, giving Cassandra a casual smile as well before she pulled out a chair and sat. As she opened her mouth to say something when she remembered Brian was standing right there with them. She bolted back on her feet.
"Bibi, these are my friends, Talya, her boyfriend, Alexander, Emmet and his sister, Cassandra." She introduced, pointing to them one by one, "Guys, this is my friend, Brian."
Emmet greeted Brian by patting him on the shoulder, but Alexander shot a hand towards him.
"Nice to see you again." Alexander said as they shook hands.
"Likewise, McCaurthur."
Layla sat down, "You guys know each other?"
"Yeah, I was there when Alex and your husband tried to bite chunks off of each other." Brian answered, sitting down next to her.
Alexander laughed a little to himself in embarrassment. Layla glanced between Brian and Alexander with wide eyes.
"So that's why you two hated each other so much!" Layla said.
"I'm guessing we're in for a story time?" Cassandra chortled.
Layla sighed, "let's order and I'll tell you over some food. I'm starving."
After they ordered their food, Brian told them about how Ali and Alexander got into a huge fight over a business disagreement six months ago and how it led to each one of them having black eyes and bleeding lips and noses. And Layla told them about how Ali had gotten mad when he saw her with Alexander last night but she made sure to leave out all the parts about the abuse in the forest. She said that he had to leave for work early so she decided to spend the day with Brian. But as she told her story, Brian stared at her with...pity and anger in his eyes, Talya too noticed Layla's unsure tone and Brian's pitiful glare. Talya knew Layla like the palm of her hand, she was not someone who would fall for Layla's lies. Layla knew that Talya now suspected something wasn't right in her marriage, but a small spark inside her was very glad. She wanted to tell Talya, she needed to tell Talya, she needed her support and advice, she couldn't do this alone forever.
            After breakfast, Alexander suggested that they all go back to his, and now Talya's, mansion to grab some swimsuits before they went to a water park. They drove well past the busier part of Athens with shops, skyscrapers and cars to the calmer parts of the city closer to the beach where they had a well view of the blue sea. The mansion was ridiculously modern, almost all the walls were entirely glass, a long curvy red sofa sat ahead, a white furry bear rug covered the birch wood floor. Talya dragged Layla down a hallway to a white marble bathroom and turned the key in the lock.
"What the fuck is up with you?" Layla spat at her.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Layla Elmar." Talya said in her motherly tone, pointing a finger at her.
She turned around and pulled a box out of a cabin in the sink. She handed the box to Layla.
"As for now, take this. I'm sure you've been too busy to take one yourself." She continued.
Layla looked down at the box, it was a pregnancy test.
"I'll wait for you outside."
Talya left almost immediately, leaving Layla with cold hands, shock and fear. A billion and one thoughts raced through her head as she took the test with trembling hands. She set the white stick on the sink and sat on the toilet, covering her mouth, waiting anxiously. Three minutes felt like three thousand years, finally Layla found the courage to get to her feet and check. Tears streamed down her face, she couldn't tell which would be worse, being pregnant or not?

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