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Song: In The End by Linkin Park {remix}

Ali left soon after. He told her that he would be out for two days and allowed her to have friends over or go out if she wanted. He did not tell her where he was going or what he was going to do but it didn't matter at all. She could guess that he may be going to 'have fun' with other women or go out with his friends.
She stayed upstairs in her room, keeping the door locked in case Ali came home unexpectedly. She sat on the bed staring down at the black screen of her phone back at her own reflection gazing back at her. Her mind raced at light speed but not at what happened with Ali but with what she could do now with her newly regained freedom. She had known right from the second she snipped off the first lock of her hair that she could no longer stay in this situation if she ever wanted to survive. She would be killed sooner or later whether it was by Ali himself or her family. But all she could do this entire month was try to survive each beating and to avoid getting beaten in the first place to even think of any way to escape at all. All forms of contact with anyone besides Ali was forbidden for her, she was not able to talk to anybody for a month so she had not had any way to get help. Now that her freedom was back, she needed to be smart to match her determination. Finally, after a long time of thinking and considering, Layla finally picked up her phone and dialed someone. Someone who she knew had to be the first person she had to talk to whether she wanted to or not. Someone who was essential to whatever plans she had.
His voice sounded so familiar despite how she had no heard him in more than a month.
"Layla? Hello, Layla?"
The concern in his voice, the sincerity that Layla had been robbed of for so long, the genuine care brought tears to her eyes. She had forgotten what warmth felt like.
"Brian?" She mumbled his name.
"Oh, Layla." He breathed a sigh of relief, "You're okay. Thank god you're okay."
"Brian, I need you."
"Where have you been? What happened to you?"
"I'll explain everything, Brian." Layla said, "But I need to talk to you in person...I miss you."
"Oh, Laili, if only words could show what a torture it's been without you." He replied, "Layla, I'm with Alex. He says he'll send a car for you."
"Is Ali there?"
"No, he left."
"Stay safe, alright? Be careful."
"I will."
"Keep a knife on you."
"What?" Layla shouted, "Why?"
"You can't ever trust Ali anymore, Layla." He explained, "Keep a knife on you."
"Please, babe."
Layla let out a sigh, she knew he was right. Ali could not be trusted anymore.
"Thank you. The car will be there soon."
"And Layla?"
"I love you."
Something formed on her lips that she forgot existed.
A smile.
"I love you too."
The car had tinted windows. Layla was able to get in and drive away without much intervention from the security guards Ali has put at the gates. The ninety minutes she spent in the car was the longest drive she had ever had. Left alone in the silence yet again for her mind to consume her without any distraction. She dreaded what was next to follow. For once, her path was less certain but the uncertainty scared her more than the dark certainty did. Finally, they arrived at Alexander and Talya's beachside mansion.
How easily humans could get used to something so easily. Layla had gotten so used to the same walls and corridors of the house she had been imprisoned in for a month that Alexander's mansion that she had visited so many times before seemed like an alien planet to her. Their voices rang down from the patio. Layla followed the voices, her hands trembling with anxiety. Alexander, Talya and Brian were sitting sround a table, having coffee and engulfed in a conversation that seemed serious. Talya was the first one to see her enter, her face expression changed. She stood up with wide eyes, alerting Brian and Alexander as well. Suddenly, all three were looking at her. Their face expressions alternated between happy outbreaks of laughter in relief and stares of disbelief. Brian was the first to run to her and pull her into his arms. Layla hugged him back and buried her face in his deep chest, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne. He kissed the top of her head repeatedly, failing to get enough of her.
"I've missed you so much, I've missed you " he said over and over again.
Layla pushed herself deeper into his arms.
"I love you, I've miss you, don't leave me." She mumbled repeatedly.
"It's okay." He shushed her, "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you..."
"I love you too, Laili, I love you too."
Talya pushed past Alexander and shoved Brian away. She pulled Layla into her arms, pressing her already wet eyes on her shoulder.
"Where have you been? What happened?" Talya hurled question after question, she pulled away and held Layla by both shoulders, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Layla shook her head, "No, I'm okay."
"Where have you been this past month?"
"Why don't you let her sit and we can talk calmly." Alexander suggested.
Talya regained control over herself. Brian put a hand on Layla's back and pulled out a chair for her. Layla gave him a quick smile and sat down, Talya and Brian sat on either side of her.
"I'm glad you're back." Alexander said with a smile.
Layla nodded with a returned smile, "Thank you."
"Brian told me what happened. He said Ali suspected something from the photographs. Did you family really come over?" Talya asked.
Layla nodded.
"What? Wh...what did they do? Did they leave?"
Layla shook her head slowly, "They spared my life so they didn't do anything."
"They didn't hurt you?" Talya asked sarcastically.
Layla shrugged, "Ali spared me actually. They set the gun in his hands but he chose to not shoot me."
Alexander snorted, "He only didn't want to lose his punching bag, Laili, don't trust that bastard."
Layla laughed, "Do you think I ever would?"
"So they imprisoned you?" Talya asked.
Layla didn't move, her muscles were frozen over and her eyes filled with tears. She tried to not look up in fear that Talya would notice her tears but she forced a nod anyway.
Brian sighed, "Did you sneak out?"
Layla shook her head. Even though her hair was covering her face, it was not enough to hide it from Talya. She looked at her and let out a sigh.
Talya held her hands in hers, "We won't talk about it, alright?"
"Brian's been trying to get to you all month. We've been trying to help but we just couldn't get to y-"
"Alex Baby, please." Talya interrupted, glaring over at Alexander.
"We won't talk about what happened this month right now, Baby." Brian agreed, "At least not yet. We've got some good news."
Talya's face lit up.
"What news?" Layla asked suspiciously with a raised eyebrow.
"We've got a way to get you out." Talya declared excitedly.
Those few words had been what Layla had been awaiting to hear for four years. She always thought that hearing those words would be the most beautiful moment of her life. But how wrong she was. Now, those words meant more worry than happiness. Her heart clenched with searing pain, she looked down at her feet.
"Layla?" Talya asked astonishingly.
Layla began sobbing, her tears rained down on her black converse one by one. Brian pulled her into his arms, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
She couldn't do it anymore.
She couldn't stay strong.
Everything in her hurt but not her body. Her heart hurt.
"I can't do it anymore." Layla wept.
Talya squeezed her hands, "Do what?"
"Shhh, baby, it'll be okay." Brian comforted.
"He'll kill me." Layla stuttered between sobs, "It's over, I'm done."
"No, he won't. Nobody will touch you, baby."
"B...Brian, you know nothing."
Talya caught on almost immediately.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
Layla shook her head, "None of you know."
"Layla-" Talya started but Brian stopped her.
"It's fine, babe." He reassured, running his fingers through her now short, pixie styled hair, "Don't worry about it."
But Talya could already tell from Layla's state that something more serious than a few beatings, that had now sadly become a regular part of her life, was happening for only she knew the reality of middle eastern life and problems. She had seen so much of it that now she could detect it like a machine.
"No, Brian, you don't get it. Tell me, Laili, what don't we know?"

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