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         Layla flipped the beef patties on the pan. Brian finished making the smoothies, he poured it into a big, glass jug and set it down on the table with the rest of the plates and forks they had set down. He smudged some whipped cream on her nose playfully, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Did you take out the ketchup?" Layla asked as she shut off the heat on the stove.
Brian nodded.
"Alright then." Layla said, she flipped the patties into a large plate and set it down on the plate, "Are you hungry?"
"Oh you have no idea."
"You're making sandwiches though."
Brian laughed, "Whatever the queen demands."
As he set a patty between two pieces of bread, his phone began to ring. Layla had seen his phone ring three to five times a day over the past ten days she lived with him, usually business and work but sometimes it was merely his friends checking up on him so she gave no thought to it this time. Brian's face though turned pale, his blue eyes were almost plunging out of his head. Layla gulped, knowing this time it was no business call or friendly check up.
"Is it him?" She asked.
Brian paused for a moment. But finally he nodded slowly. Layla's blood froze into ice cold.
"Pick it up." She said idly, "He'll suspect us."
Brian sighed and nodded slowly. He picked the phone up with trembling hands and rage filled eyes. She could tell how hard it was for him to keep his rage under control and act normal to someone who was once upon a time his close friend.
Layla heard a little faint mumble on the end. She saw Brian's face go green, as if he was going to throw up.
She watched him Han up and his trembling hands set the phone down, his eyes were locked on the table, away from Layla's. His lower lip was trembling as if he was cold, his blue eyes were raging with thoughts. Layla gulped, she knew what was going on.
"He wants me back, doesn't he?" She asked slowly.
Brian bit his lip and nodded.
"You're not going back this time, Layla." He said firmly, "I can't let you go back this time, I made that mistake once, I won't make it again."
Layla let out a sigh, "Brian..."
He shook his head, burying his face in his hands.
"No, Layla, no. Don't make do this, I can't do this."
Layla fought back the dreadful warm feeling of tears rushing through her face. She sat by Brian's side, wrapping her arms around his back.
"Brian, we already talked about this." She said calmly, "We knew he'd ask for me back sooner or later."
He shook his head.
"Brian...think for a moment. If I don't go back, wherever we go, Ali will find us sooner or later and then what? Slip our throats. Is that what we want? Hm?" She continued, "No, it's not. Brian, it's everything except easy for me to go back but... it's for the best. We'll be patient like we promised, remember? We'll run away together and be happy on our own little world somewhere someday but that someday isn't today, Brian. It's not worth it, this isn't the right time."
Brian stayed silent for a moment, considering what she had said for a few minutes. Finally, he looked up at her, his blue eyes and cheeks stained in tears. He looked at her, his eyes searching in hers. Layla felt her warm tears running down her cheeks but her smile was frozen on her face. He finally nodded, biting his lip to fight back sobs. He took her in his arms, burying his face in her hair.
"I love you." He whispered, "I love you so much."
"No matter what happens to me, you have to promise me something."
Brian kissed the top of her head.
"You won't ever put yourself in danger." Layla said.
"Promise me." She interrupted, "Promise me that you won't do anything if something happens to me."
He let out a choked sigh.
"Okay. But I need you to stay strong, okay? I need you to fight back, Layla, you have something to fight for now."

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