Can a victim be a sinner?

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Song: Koe No Katachi I'll be good

             It seemed like Ali had become an entirely different person. He didn't make a single move on her, didn't touch her in anyway that might make her uncomfortable or say anything that annoyed her. He just held her in his arms and silently watched the sea roar and splash. Layla felt uneasy the entire night, her mind was racing every second, why was he being nice to her? It just didn't make any sense, wasn't he supposed to be hurting her for losing their baby? For surviving the beating? No one would beat another human being like that and leave them if he didn't want them to die, so why did he suddenly change his mind? But her mind soon caught up with her exhausted body, her eyes slowly shut, everything went black, the ocean hums soon disappeared as she fell asleep.
          The sunlight beamed through her eyelids, Layla groaned and opened her eyes. She slowly tried to open her eyes, trying to not get blinded. She reliezed that she was in her own bedroom, covered by her bed sheets. Ali was asleep next to her, she looked down at her body, expecting to be naked and find her clothes on the floor but she wasn't. She was still in her red dress, she felt her underwear on her body as well, the only thing missing was her shoes. Layla sighed with relief, he hadn't hurt her for last night at least.
"Where are you going?" Ali asked when he felt her getting out of bed.
"To prepare breakfast." Layla replied softly.
Ali laughed, getting a gentle hold of her arm and pulling back into his arms.
"It's still early, we'll prepare it together later."
Layla was shocked, for the past three years of their marriage he had always beat and raped her if breakfast was just three seconds late. He had never offered any type of help, saying that it was 'women's job', was he really offering help now? But Layla didn't want to do or say anything, things were going reasonably well for now, she didn't want to ruin it.
Ali stroked her hair playfully, "You're so beautiful when you're asleep."
Layla forced an awkward laugh, "Thanks, I guess?"
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
Layla shrugged, "Are you? I can make pancakes-"
"We'll make it together, don't worry." He interrupted, "Okay, let's get up, shall we?"
He got out of bed and picked her up bridal style.
"Wait, shouldn't I get changed?" Layla stopped him.
"Nah, you look beautiful." He answered, carrying her down the stairs.
Layla noticed that he wasn't wearing his clothes from last night, instead he was wearing a black tank top and grey basketball shorts. He carried her to the kitchen and set her down on the counter.
"What do you want me to make?" Layla asked subserviently.
"I'm thinking a few salads and milkshakes for today?" He answered, fishing out fruits, lettuce, vegetables and a carton of milk from the fridge.
He set the things out on the table. Layla jumped off of the counter, she opened drawers and set out cutting boards, knives, and white bowls on the table. She gathered the fruits and vegetables in a small basket and started washing them.
"What do you want?" Ali asked, taking the washed fruits, "Smoothies or milkshakes?"
"Anything you want." Layla replied mindlessly.
"I asked what you want." He repeated.
Layla shrugged, "Smoothies but I'd be fine with anything."
"Smoothies it is." 
Layla quietly cut the lettuce, tomatoes and onions while Ali blended the fruits to make the smoothies. She fetched out the vinegar and sauces from the fridge, mixing them up with the salad and adding the dressing. She set the two bowls of salads out on the dinning room. Ali brought out two large glasses of pink smoothies and set it down on the table.
"Do you want anything else?" Layla asked.
Ali shook his head, sitting down, "No, we're fine. Sit."
Layla obeyed, she quietly sat next to him. Layla started on the food, her stomach was growling in hunger, she couldn't stop herself. She avoided Ali's eyes for most of the time but she decided to break the awkward silence that was downing in on them.
"Don't you like the salad?" She asked when she noticed his food was untouched, "I can get you something else."
He shook his head, playing with his fork, "No, I'm just not that hungry."
Layla chewed the lettuce sheepishly, unable to think of anything else to say.
"You can go out with your friends for today, even stay the night with them." Ali said out of nowhere, "Because we gotta attend a party tomorrow night."
Layla looked up at him struggling to hide her surprise and joy, "Really?"
He nodded, "Yeah. I wanna go out with the boys for today. If that's okay with you."
"Of course it is!" Layla assented spontaneously, "You can do whatever you want."
He smiled and got up, taking his plate and glass with him and setting them down in the sink.
"I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked, placing a gentle, affectionate kiss on her head.
Layla stared back into his piercing brown eyes, she could see her reflection in them but nothing else, he was unreadable, his intentions unknown apart from his unreliable smile.
She nodded, "yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
Without another word, he went upstairs. Layla tried to wrap her mind around the change in Ali's personality, she picked up her own plate and set it down in the sink. Could it be possible that he really had changed? Her stomach twisted, as if her entire body was shouting 'no' at her, he hadn't changed in three years, how could he change now when he almost killed her? But it seemed that something in her mindset and feelings had shifted but she couldn't put her finger on what. She sighed and ran the water and started washing the dishes.
"Im going now, Laili, do you need anything?" Ali called out from the dinning room.
"No, I'm fine." She answered, "See you tomorrow."
Layla sat down on the bed she just finished making. She reliezed for the first time since she woke up that she was still wearing the red dress she wore last night, Ali didn't bother giving her enough time to change. She was tired, still despratw for more sleep but she knew that she wasn't safe sleeping at home, if Ali came home, it was more than likely he would give her another beating for being 'lazy'. She was much safer, and she would be happier, if she took advantage of Ali being away and went to meet up with her friends. She forced her lethargic body to get to her feet and pick out a pair of black denim shorts and a dark blue hoodie to go with it from her closet. She changed out of the dress and into the comfortable outfit. She gazed at the dress's beautiful red figure, puzzled by how beautiful Ali's taste could be. She sighed and hung it in her closet along with the rest of her dresses. She picked up her phone from the dressing table and sent a text in a group chat Talya had added her to.

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