Crystal clear

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Layla took the subway home, she did not want Brian anywhere near Ali or Ali near Brian either. The mansion she had spent more than five years of her life in never got any less scary than it did the first time she and Ali arrived there. She walked through the windy gardens on the rocky roman-styled pathways towards the house. She saw three black SUV's parked in the driveway. Her heart dropped to her stomach. Was it Ali's friends friends? Would they rape her again? She stopped at the front door, thinking of what would happen if she simply ran now, she could get away from a possibly horrible situation that may cost her her life? But she shook her head almost immediately, reliezing that if she did run, Ali would blame and maybe even hurt Brian for it. She pushed away the thought and opened the door mindlessly and went inside, shutting the door behind her. She heard a mix of voices in the living room. She clenched her hands as she entered the living room mindlessly, not thinking of what could be facing back at her. But she could not believe what she did see.
"I'm glad you're finally home."
Layla swallowed. She had not heard her mother's firm, demanding voice in so long that it sounded almost alien. Her father and brother in law, Tariq, sat on either side of Ali, all three men eyeing her with fury and crossed arms. Jamila was sitting by her husband's side, her head hung obediently low with Amal in her lap. Omar and their mother stood with crossed arms, their faces raining of rage.
"Mom? Dad? Ali didn't tell me you were coming." She said as welcomingly as she could.
Tariq snorted, "Even if he did, I don't think you'd be able to keep your ass home."
"I'm sorry, I was meeting up with a friend. If I knew you'd come, I wouldn't have gone." 
"Sit down." Her father commanded calmly.
Layla raised a confused eyebrow. She sat by Jamila's side, listening to what they had to say. Her father got to his feet and stood infront of her, towering above her.
"Where were you?" He asked with crossed arms.
"Like I said, father, I was at a friend's." She answered with the same calmness as his.
"Which friend?"
In little more than a flash, her father's iron-strengthened fist flung across her face.
"Don't lie to me!" He growled, "Where were you?"
"I'm not lying!"
Her mother threw a magazine at her. Layla looked at them with confused and eyes that almost matched their anger. She looked down at the cover and everything became crystal clear. Now she understood why her family were here, now she understood why they were so enraged.

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