Writer's Block Didn't Have A Chance To Say Good Bye

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Writer's Block: *at a dance party*

Angela: Hey, man! Want to dance?

Writer's Block: Sure!

Angela: Yay, let's dance! *dancing with Writer's Block*

Writer's Block: *dancing with Angela* This is the greatest night of my life!

Time skip.....

Writer's Block: Angela, I'll be right back! I gotta get something to drink!

Angela: Sure, dude! I'll be right here!

Writer's Block: *goes into the kitchen to get a Sprite* Hey, Angela! I'm back! Angela? *discovers that Angela is not there* Angela?

Scott: Sorry, dude! Angela had to go home.

Writer's Block: Why? She said she was gonna be right here.

Scott: Dude, she just had to go. She was getting tired.

Writer's Block: I didn't even get a chance to say good bye.

Scott: Oh well. Dance is almost over, anyway.

Writer's Block: *sits down on the couch* I should have someone get me a soda instead. Angela could have told me she was leaving.

Scott: Sorry, bro. I'll say good bye to you, when the party is over, okay?

Writer's Block: Yeah, sure.

This story was written on September 23rd, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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