Another New Friend In The Circle Of Friends

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MaryKLago: We got ourselves a new friend in the Circle Of Friends!

Me: Wow!

Jeffrey: Whoever it is, they better speak English.

Natasha: Jeffrey, not now!

Dante: Let's meet this new person!

MaryKLago: Guys, meet Shawn Moore!

Shawn: Hey!

Me: Hey, Shawn! I'm Will!

KaTzElDaElEnA: I'm Kat!

Claudette: I'm Claudette!

Natasha: I'm Natasha!

Dante: I'm Dante!

Kevin: I'm Kevin!

Susan: I'm Susan!

Wendy: I'm Wendy!

Jeffrey: I'm Jeffrey!

Benjamin: I'm Benjamin!

Shawn: Nice to meet you all!

Me: Shawn, where are you from?

Shawn: I'm from Virginia!

Wendy: I'm from Virginia, too! I'm from Richmond!

Shawn: I'm from Petersburg VA!

Jeffrey: Okay.

freedomgirl007: Where in Virginia is Petersburg?

Shawn: I'd say about 20 minutes from Richmond. Why you ask?

freedomgirl007: Oh, um it's just that I know some important people that live in Northern Virginia, near DC.

Shawn: I see. That part of Virginia is way too fast paced! Too much for me. The part of VA I'm from is more laid back.

Me: Makes sense!

MaryKLago: It's a good thing George is dead. He would have flipped his lid, if he heard about Virginia!

Shawn: Who was George?

MaryKLago: Long story, Shawn! Let me tell you all about him!

This story was written on September 11th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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