Bus Trip To New Jersey

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Worcester, Massachusetts

Emily was so excited for her trip to New Jersey. She got on the bus, and sat next to her friend, Joel. He was excited for New Jersey, too. They were going to Camden, New Jersey. While there, they would be visiting the New Jersey State Aquarium. "New Jersey is gonna be a blast!" said Emily.

"Exactly!" said Joel, listening to music on his CD player.

Their parents were seeing them off. The bus was starting to leave. "Bon voyage!" they said. "Enjoy New Jersey! We love you! Be safe!"

"How is everything?" asked Hank, the bus driver.

"Good!" everyone said.

"I'm gonna bust a move, when we get to the hotel!" said Dwayne.

"Alright, Dwayne!" said Sarah. Everyone cheered him on.

"He can dance!" said Marcus. I got the radio, so you can bust those moves, boy! I'll play it in the lobby!" Everyone cheered again. Hank was glad to hear that everyone was having fun. He now drove on the Massachusetts Turnpike.

This story was written on September 1st, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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