Talking To Denise

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Me: Hi, Denise!

Denise: Hi, William! How are you?

Me: Good, and you?

Denise: I'm good, too! Want to chat, so we can get to know each other better?

Me: Sure!

Denise: Cool! What's your favorite food?

Me: Pizza! Yours?

Denise: Pizza, and Chinese food!

Me: Nice! What's your favorite color?

Denise: Blue! Yours?

Me: Blue!

Denise: Yay! We have something in common! Who's your favorite celebrity?

Me: Christina Ricci! Yours?

Denise: Drew Barrymore! She's like the coolest actress!

Me: Yes, she is! What's your favorite animal?

Denise: An alligator! You?

Me: Alligator!

Denise: *giggles* Wow! What year did you graduate from high school?

Me: 2002! You?

Denise: 2001! Your birthday?

Me: May 31st, 1984!

Denise: Sweet! Mine is June 23rd, 1983, but I already told you that! *giggles*

Me: Yup!

Denise: Where are you from?

Me: Connecticut!

Denise: Ooh, on the East Coast!

Me: Yes, Ma'am!

Denise: Where in Connecticut? New Haven?

Me: No, Middletown!

Denise: Ah, cool! I'm from Beverly Hills, California, but you already know that! *giggles*

Me: Yup! What is your favorite type of clothing?

Denise: Jeans! And I love to wear Nikes, Converse, and boots. I usually wear shiny black knee high boots with my skirts.

Me: Never goes out of style!

Denise: Heck no! I wore them a lot when I was in high school! What's your clothing style?

Me: Jeans!

Denise: Awesome! Do you play any musical instruments?

Me: No. You?

Denise: Yes, I play piano! I only play for fun, though. I'm too nervous to play for a huge crowd.

Me: I don't blame you. In school, did you eat the cafeteria food, or did you bring your own lunch from home?

Denise: I ate the cafeteria food. You?

Me: I ate the cafeteria food, too.

Denise: Okay. Do you speak any languages?

Me: I'm trying to learn Spanish and French. You?

Denise: I can speak Spanish, French, Polish, and Russian!

Me: That's impressive!

Denise: Yup!

Me: What's your favorite tv show?

Denise: The Simpsons! You?

Me: I like The Simpsons, too!

Denise: Dude, we have so much in common!

Me: Sure do! Have you ever wore a denim jacket?

Denise: Not when I was a kid, but I wore one, when I was 27. You?

Me: Never.

Denise: They're pretty cool, though.

Me: They are. Do you have asthma?

Denise: Nope. You?

Me: Nope.

Denise: That's good.

Me: But, I am allergic to peanut butter.

Denise: Aw, that stinks! I'll be sure not to eat any peanut butter near you, okay?

Me: Thanks, Denise!

Denise: Of course! *smiles*

Me: I have autism.

Denise: Aw, I'm sorry. You're very unique, William! A kind, caring soul! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Me: I won't! I don't like loud noises.

Denise: Me neither!

Me: Have you ever had your lips squeezed?

Denise: Yes, I have!

Me: Can I squeeze them?

Denise: Of course! Squeeze them, whenever you want!

Me: Okay, thanks!

Denise: Don't mention it!

Me: Do you ever use profanity?

Denise: Never! I think it's unprofessional! You?

Me: Nope!

Denise: Good! I can see us getting along, quite well!

Me: Yep!

Denise: Any hobbies?

Me: Yes, I write stories!

Denise: Excellent! What kind of stories?

Me: Short stories.

Denise: That's so cool! You're blessed with real talent, babe!

Me: What are your hobbies?

Denise: Fishing, singing, writing songs, and poetry.

Me: Splendid!

Denise: What's your favorite pizza place?

Me: Pizza Hut!

Denise: Mine too!

Me: What's your favorite state?

Denise: Louisiana! Yours?

Me: Delaware!

Denise: Cool!

Jeffrey: What are you guys talking about?

Me: We're just having a conversation, Jeffrey.

Denise: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Denise, will you go out with me?

Denise: No! Leave me alone!

MaryKLago: Jeffrey, sit down!

Jeffrey: Okay! *sits down*

Denise: I got you a soda! *hands me a Cherry Sprite*

Me: Thanks!

Denise: You're welcome!

Me: *drinks my Cherry Sprite*

Jeffrey: Did you get me anything?

Denise: No, I only got a soda for William.

Jeffrey: I see.

Denise: Yeah.

Jeffrey: How can I make her go out with me?

This story was written on Sunday, October 6th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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