Danny You Bad Boy!

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Danny: *at home*

Mother: Danny, it's such a nice day! Why don't you go play outside?

Danny: I don't want to.

Mother: Why not?

Danny: The two cops will be out there. I don't want to say something I'll regret, and then get sent to prison.

Mother: Then, just watch what you say, and you won't have to deal with the two cops. Just go play outside, Danny. *washes the dishes*

Danny: You want some help washing the dishes, Mom?

Mother: I'm fine, son. I don't need your help. Go on, now.

Danny: Okay. *walks outside* Those two cops better not bother me today. And just to make sure! *looks all around for the two cops, and they're nowhere to be seen* Coast is clear! I'm going to the park! *sings* Ba da da ba da da! The cops are a two face!

Two Cops: Ahem!

Danny: *slowly turns around and sees the two cops, with their arms folded and giving Danny an angry look* No!!!!!

Two Cops: You're coming with us, Danny!

Danny: I'm sorry, you didn't like my song! I'll sing you another song, okay? *sings* Camptown Racers Sing This Song! Do Dah Do Dah!

Two Cops: Hands behind your back, boy!

Danny: Nah, I'm good, sir! *backs away slowly and starts to run*

Two Cops: Stop in the name of the law! *runs after Danny*

Danny: *running away from the two cops* Help!!!!!!!

This story was written on September 22nd, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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