Some Things Are Not Meant To Be Funny

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Stacey: I'm dying!

Carmen: Come again?

Stacey: I'm dying! I have some kind of disease, and I only have 3 months to live!

Carmen: Oh no! *has a panic attack*

Stacey: *laughing* Joking! I'm not gonna die! It was a joke, Carmen!

Carmen: You think that's funny? *giving Stacey an angry look*

Stacey: Girl, chill the heck out! It was just a joke! Don't take it so personal!

Carmen: That's messed up, Stacey! I actually believed you were gonna die! Joking about dying is not cool! That was rude of you!

Stacey: What are you gonna do about it? Beat me up?

Carmen: Don't provoke me, chica! *says something in Spanish*

Stacey: What did you say? I don't speak Spanish.

Carmen: *knocks out Stacey* Don't you ever play a cruel joke like that, again! I'm outta here! Adios! *walks away*

Stacey: *out cold*

This story was written on September 16th, 2019.

A/N I wrote this story, because some people think it's funny to joke about dying. Some things, people can't joke about. That can cost a friendship. Think before you speak. Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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