Sleepover At A Friend's House On A Friday Night

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Ellen: My friends will be here any minute! I ordered the pizzas!

Mother: Cookies are about to come out of the oven!

Dylan: *in the car on his way to Ellen's house* This is gonna rock!

Time skip.....

Ellen: *playing music in her room*

Stephanie: *dancing to the music*

Dylan: *arm wrestling with Jose*

Corey: *eating pizza* So cool that your mom let us eat in your room, Ellen!

Ellen: Yep, my mom's cool!

Brittney: *putting make up on*

Time skip....

Mother: Time for bed!

Ellen: *making her bed* Good night, buddies! Does anyone want the night light on?

Stephanie: Yes! I don't like sleeping in the dark!

Ellen: You got it! *turns off the light and closes the door* Night, folks!

Everyone Else: Night!

This story was written on September 6th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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