Rambles of a Young Adult

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It's a big world out there,
They tell you,
It won't stop for anyone,
Sink or swim,
That's what they all say.

What they don't tell you about is the actual drowning,
One more bump,
One more patch that's rough,
But oh you'll get out of it.

They don't listen to the change in your voice,
Or the slight change in attitude,
The hard lines of stress,
Not even the anxiety that follows every decision made,
Every step taken,
Am I going the right way?
Did I take the right path?
Will I make it out of this problem?

No they never tell you about the drowning,
Nor the attempts you'll make to better those problems,
To move on and get on with life,
No they make it sound so easy,
Like it was a cake walk for them.

And if you cry?
If you break down and crumble because everything really is falling a part as you fix them?
They say you are weak for doing so,
That you have to figure out a plan before falling a part.

But what if every time you make a plan,
It falls a part,
You take one step forward,
And five steps back?
You dust yourself off every time,
Yet it drains a little more energy out of you,
You don't have that willpower to move forwards because...well

What's the point?

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