One Step More

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One step more,
And I'll be walking in front of my peers in a cap and gown,
Looking at the diploma in my hand as I go to my seat thinking,
I made it through high school.

One step more,
And I'll be going to college,
Meeting new people,
Learning to achieve my goals in life.

One step more,
I'll be looking at the love of my life as I walk down the isle,
Perhaps not traditional in garb,
But happy with the one who chose me as their partner for life.

One step more,
And I will me holding my new born,
Small and pink,
With a care so deep it's instinctual.

Of all the steps yet to take,
Yet can see that road so clearly,
Don't forget the smaller steps to come.

The seeing of friends,
Or pursuing in passions,
Those larger steps are still to come.

Because in one step more,
Your entire world is waiting ,
All you have to do is go.

Author's Note:
So this little poem is a lot nicer than the last one...everyone has their bad days right? But this one is kinda about moving forward (duh) and the mix of excitement and fear that comes with those steps. Though I will say that One Day More from Le Mis (think I typed that correctly..?) was being hummed in the back of my head...ah how a senior thinks! Anywho, hope you liked this and hopefully the poetry will come with a steady increase of good things, till then! ~Jenny

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