Loathsome Honor

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Loathsome Honor

  Have you ever hated someone so much that the thought of them infuriated you?

Like their existence is to be the thorn in your side since meeting them?

That they also hate you with just as much or perhaps more passion?

  The blows done by this person have been below the belt most of the time,

Clipping you in all the soft spots without a care about the pain dished out,

And you picking your chin up, dusting yourself off and holding your head high afterwards,

No matter the pain inflicted.

  Then an opportunity comes along for you to deal a blow that could really hurt them,

Just like they've done to you so many times over,

It would be so easy as well...nothing too in depth

Something so simple and yet you don't take it.

  You don't let that ever happen though,

Letting the opportunity slip past,

Because you know that it's like to be on the receiving end of the hits,

You know the damage that can happen to a person.

  No I'm not talking about the physical pain people give out,

Bruises heal over time as well as cuts and broken bones,

That only takes a few weeks or months.

  I am talking about the emotional pain the kind that doesn't go away so easily,

The kind that festers inside your imagination and stays in your mind,

And this never goes away as well...no matter how much you wish and pray,

The pain stays with you forever.

  You had the power to this to this person,

This tormentor,

This person you Loath,

Making them suffer in a similar fashion they had done to you,

Yet you didn't do it,

You didn't allow yourself to become the tormentor like them.

  This person will never give you respect or just leave you alone,

Taking no notice to the kindness you've shown to someone you obivously hate,

But you showed how you were a step about,

You showed discipline and honor to your own morals.

  It's a Loathsome Honor,

One you wish you sometimes you didn't have,

But it'll help you in the end,

Even if you don't think it now.

Author's Note:

  Soooooooooo this poem came about because well, someone who I true loath (not just saying this because it's a big fancy term for really hating someone) and my feelings are very true about this person. Plus I found instead of screaming at people that didn't need it, I would write this, making something for people to read and handling stress correctly :D go me! Anywho more stuff on the way, just slow and steady mostly because I am in the middle of school and a bunch of other things in my life. Till the next time people! ~Jenny

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