A Long Goodbye to Invisiblity

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Everyone says they want a superpower,
Mine used to be invisibility,
Where I could disappear into a crowd,
And no one would be able to see.

But what they don't tell you,
Is it's a curse,
When the people you stand next to everyday,
Barely even notice you.

You could be screaming,
Tearing your vocal cords,
Just for them to barely hear a whisper.

Only when they want to see you,
They will,
And yet it is still as if your slightly translucent.

You're a ghost in their life,
A haunt that sometimes people see,
And while you wished and wished and wished for this gift,
It's left you cold and bitter.

When they do see you,
And decide your in the room,
They'll tell you to speak up next time,
And I'll hear you.

Yet when your voice is so faint,
And your emotions spent,
You wonder what they saw,
A full human?

Or did they notice the shadow on the wall?
How faded you really are,
How ready you are for the next life?
How with each passing day you feel like your existence is pointless?

Could you not see them act different?
How they're face is pale and eyes purple from lack of sleep?
How they never do any of the things they once did?
Even their body language changes.

How they speak.

But what could someone who's invisible know?
Pieces shattered time and time again,
Like small crystals scattered to the wind.

There isn't even any pieces left to put together,
None to cut your fingers on,
So what's the point?

They say the life after this is peaceful,
That I won't have these same problems,
And right now,
All I want to do is just disappear.

Stop being the disappointment that everyone now expects of me.

Poems Of An Average GirlWhere stories live. Discover now