Just A Little Love Poem

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Just A Little Love Poem

  I may annoy you with how  I never seem to tell you my thoughts, 

Or how I refuse to take any type of compliment from you no matter how much you try,

And the way that it seems like I could always lose those ten pounds that I only see,

But know that my heart is in the right place.

    Know that I think about you at least three different times during my day,

Missing you when I am not with you,

And hope that your dreams in life do come true.

  Now I could've start this poem like the traditional Roses are Red and Violets are Blue,

But I'm not a very traditional person if you haven't guessed :P,

So to hell with the usual and rather boring love poem!

  Cause this is just a little love poem,

One that isn't in tune with everyone else's,

For it has a mind that likes to dream of happily ever afters,

And love story endings.

Because it comes from me.

  I wrote for you becuase I truely, 


And wholly love you and you only :).

  Author's Note:

Herro~ happah (day after) Valentine's day my wonderful fans :D!!!...yeah I was tired yesterday and didn't post till today xD oh vell! I was really looking forward to this Valentine's day, mostly because I could write a really mushy gushy love poem and have a reason to! But whateva, I really like this one and the song I have in the sidebar is so sute and it kinda explains my motives for writing this thing------------------------Look at it pwease?--------------------->

Anywhores that's my nod to the lovey dovey holiday that it is and underneither I am still cringing slightly because I'm not usually very good at showing my emotions so yeah :L

TIll the next post my lovelies----->


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