Funny How the Past can Sneak up on You

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  Funny how are past can sneak up on you? 

When you thought it was no longer even worth reveiwing again,

It comes back again,

Like it had never gone away.

  Then memories flood through your mind,

The good,

The bad, 

And the indifferent memories.

  But it's not like you want this to go away,

You just weren't expecting it at this time,

Hell you weren't even looking for these people to find you,

They'd pass through your head over bad days but not pop up.

  Funny how the past can sneak up on you right?

Author's Note:

The poem really sums itself up, some people found me over Facebook of all things and kinda freaked me out because to be very honest I haven't seen them in five year or so, and I wasn't -looking- for them but somehow they found me -- lesson learned; people can remember you for very long time periods.

That's all for now people, cya.

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