Ode to the Insomniac

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Sleep is such a funny thing,
For those who sleep so little,
They yearn for their bed all day,
Fatigue the only thing on their mind.

Yet when the sun finally sets,
And the world quiet in it's time for slumber,
Your mind just keeps going,
As if on reverse this entire time.

Thoughts of things that didn't bother you all day reappear,
Those pesky questions with no answers,
Where you wish that it would shut off,
Just a switch so you could sleep.

Yet the "I don't knows" and "what if's" start going,
About things that are hardly relevant,
"Why didn't my friend message me back?
Even though we talk all the time?"
"What if they finally got bored of me?"
"Did they figure out I wasn't worth their time?"

"Am I on good terms with this person?"
"Things seem okay..."
"But I have no solid answers,"
"It's all just a waiting game."

"Why would they talk about this or that?"
"When a week ago they say another thing..."
"Am I looking at it the right way?"
"Or am I really going crazy..."

The words and thoughts and moments all flash up,
When all you want is sleep,
So tomorrow can just start.

And when you do fall asleep?
The Dreams occur,
What will you imagine tonight?
A light and happy place,
One filled with so much light?
Or if some other internal horror,
That burdens the deeper parts of the mind.

A roulette of nice,
Or unpleasant,
And by the end of it?
The same outcome as before.

Like you never slept at all,
An endless cycle of dark circles under once cheerful eyes,
Oh how the insomniac lives on,
The world may never know.

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