I Am A Pagan (Inspired by the "I am a Jew" speech from The Merchant of Venice)

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I Am A Pagan

I am a Pagan,

Does not matter which specifically,

Nor does it that I believe this,

Or that.

  I am still human,

Still breathing,

Still have a heart beating,

And still bleeding.

  Yet most outcast me for what I find right,

A wrongdoer,

A monster.

But the ones who accuse me of evil know nothing of which they speak of?

  I am still human,

Still breathing,

Still have a heart beating,

And still bleeding.

  Paying my respects to the Gods and Goddesses that I choose,

Not stepping on the toes of other religions and their beliefs.

But yet people still judge as what has been colored as Pagans,

Or witches.

  I am a Pagan,

  I am still human,

  Still breathing,

  Still having a heart bleeding,

  Still bleeding.

  Author's Note:

  Well, I started this poem on paper and I have been reading Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, and I was thinking, Huh? Though Skylock (the character who says this -famous- speech) is an evil character with a wicked mind, his logic makes a hell of a lot of sense. Even with the difference in times. Now that was a play and the Jewish religion and Paganism are kinda different, Paganism is bashed a lot nowadays (and since it was made even). In a way I think of Paganism the "new Jew" that is being kicked (I'm being hypothetical right now...as I have said the Jewish religion and Paganism aren't similar.) only because it's not the normal religion on today (Hmmm, and oddly enough it's Christianity back then that didn't accept Jews and now Christians won't accept Pagans? But that's all I will say on that subject so I don't start ranting xD.) Till the next poem people...


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