Smile Bright

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They say those who smile the brightest are the saddest,
I say that notion holds truth.
For they know how sadness can consume you,
How it can swallow that ray of sunshine in an instant.
So they enjoy  those tiny moments to the fullest.

But when the clouds cover again,
The darkness can have a chokehold like no other.
Like you're drowning,
Yet the air all around you is perfectly breathable.
Somehow you just forget how to,
And you don't know why.

People don't see you drowning though,
They don't see you choking for air,
You hide it so they don't have to.
The pain you feel isn't for the world to share.

Yet you do share it,
Through your words,
Your brush to canvas.
The pencil to the paper,
You share and share and share.
But people only see the practice and lines.

Not the story it tells.

So you simply smile,
Smile bright,
In those dark, dark nights.
Breathing yet choking,
Screaming to silence,
Awaiting for the night to cease,
And day to break.

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