Chapter 1, The Beginning Of The End

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I can't believe how so much can change, I never realized the apocalypse can change a person. I regret so much, but I can't let it stop me from protecting the people I love. 


I walk into the kitchen and I start cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast. I turn the news on to see the reporters talking about some kind of virus that makes people go crazy and attack others, I thought it must be a joke because after all, it is April fools day today.

But I ignore it, who needs to listen to news? it's too depressing for me, I take my breakfast and head out for work. I work in the city so it's a pretty long drive. After 20 minutes I get held in traffic, nobody was moving it's so frickin frustrating, all you can hear are the horns of multiple cars practically screaming at the other drivers to move. 

All of a sudden I heard multiple spine-chilling sounds, I'm curious about the screams so I peep my head through the sunroof of my car and see what all the screaming is about. The news wasn't lying. I see people sprinting through the maze of cars trying to fend off the rabid people that were attacking them and biting them. I have to get out of here.

I turn around and watch a truck smash through all of the cars so I take this as my chance to get out of here, I step on the gas and follow the truck as I pass all of the, "zombies" were under attack, everyone is screaming for help but I keep driving not knowing what is behind me. Once I reach the highway I speed back home like lightning, I can't think of anything else right now besides making sure my friends are ok. 

I need to start driving to my friend's houses to make sure they are ok, First I'm going to my friend Dezi's house because she is closest. I drive up to her garage and walk up to the door. Dezi answers it scared to death. She tells me to hurry inside before any zombies see me. 

She's freaking out like crazy, we don't say much to each other. Our faces say it all, I help her sort her suitcase out before we head out and get the rest of our friends.I can't believe how crazy things got in such little time. 

 "I'm worried about our family, they are on a holiday in Japan and I can't contact them because all power and internet is down, only radios are working." She says as she stuffs her essentials in a small pocket. 

"I'm sure they will be fine." I reassure her.

" I hope so," she says with worry in her voice.

"We need to get out of here it's not safe," she says shaking. 

"Yeah I know I'm going to all the girls' houses to pick them up, we're going to stay in my holiday house in the country, it's big and the area is pretty deserted," I explain.

"Yeah that's a good idea, nobody lives near there so we should be safe, I'll pack all my belongings and food so we can get going soon," She runs to her room to get the rest of her belongings. 

"Ok, cool sounds good hurry though because I need to go pick everyone else up, and does your car work?" I ask.

"Yes, I filled it up last night I've got a full tank, do you need petrol?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm running low, I'm going to stop by the petrol station to fill up and then the grocery store next door to get supplies," I say.

"Ok, I'll go pack," she tells me.

"Ok," I reply. She walks up to her room to pack her things while I pack all the food from her kitchen.

After we'd finished packing everything useful in her house we walk outside to our cars and head towards the petrol station, I grab the gun out of my console just in case. I drive into the petrol station and get out of my car cautiously making sure that there aren't any zombies around. I quickly fill up my tank.

After I walk inside praying that they have some essentials I heard a sudden crash in the storeroom so I quickly but quietly make my way out and jog to the grocery store. 

When I get into the grocery store there are about 30 people getting supplies I grab a basket and get the basic survival supplies such as matches, water, canned food, and other helpful foods and tools that'll last a while. I begin making my way back to the front of the store 3 men are holding the door shut because there was a zombie trying to get in.

The tallest man said he is going to count to three and then open it and stab the zombie in the head, everyone isn't too sure of the idea but agree, the tall man did what he said he was going to do and opened the door on a count of three, stabbed the zombie in the head, killing it. When the coast was clear and no other zombies were in sight I rush to my car where Dezi is parked next to mine, "Are you ok, I saw the zombie trying to get in" she asks

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I tell her.

Next stop Mia's house.

Thanks for reading guys I hope you liked this chapter I've been wanting to mix up my writing style a bit and so I am going to write this story. More chapters to come!! XX

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