Part 29

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Scott and Harry don't even get a chance to talk to Andy as Louis is being rushed away as they are pushed into the waiting room. They are both on edge and don't know how to handle what just happened. Scott is literally shaking and Harry brings him over to the chairs and sits him down, he kneels down in front of Scott

"Baby, relax, Louis is going to be okay" Harry tells him gently.

"H, I'm scared, I'm really, really scared" Scott says and Harry knows he needs to be Scott's rock right now.

"I know love, I know it's scary and everything we have all just been through, but I know Louis won't leave us, I know it, his Mum is looking down on him and he's fighting for her and for us" Harry says.

"If he doesn't make it Harry" Scott says shaking his head upset as he lets a few tears fall.

"We can't think like that Scotty, we just can't okay, we have to stay positive, for Louis" Harry says

Scott nods as he tries to pull himself together.

Harry sits next to Scott and they hold each other close.

James, Joey, Jax and Drew turn up at the hospital armed with food and spare clothes for the boys, Harry and Scott get changed, they try and eat but can't stomach much, they end up falling asleep on each other three hours in.

"The poor guys" Jax says as he watches Harry and Scott sleeping.

"It's so strange to see them so emotional, I lost it in that warehouse watching them" Drew says.

"We've known them so long and we've never witnessed this side of them before, I didn't realise how much Louis meant to them, how much they really do love him, I feel for them" James says sighing.

"Me too, I really hope Louis is okay because we would lose three of the top agents we've seen in years" Joey says.

Just then Andy walks into the waiting room.

"Any news?" James asks as they stand up.

The noise causes Harry and Scott to jolt awake.

"Andy, is he okay" Scott says as he and Harry stand up and walk over.

"He's stable" Andy says.

Everyone smiles and sighs relieved, Scott and Harry share a big emotional hug, thanking the gods above for looking after Louis.

"He's still in the ICU and will be there for a week or so, just so we can rule out secondary drowning. He had several broken ribs and one punctured his lung, we've fixed that, he's got a lot of cuts and bruises and his asthma complicated things but we are confident he's out of the woods" Andy says.

"Thank god" Harry says relieved.

"Can we see him"

Andy smiles

"Of course" he says.

"We will head out boys, give you some time with Louis" James says.

"Thanks J, for everything" Scott says.

"Don't thank me, just look after your boy" James says.

They hug the boys goodbye and Andy leads them to Louis room.

"This is Sammy, she will be Louis nurse while he's in the ICU" Andy says as he introduces them to Sammy.

"It's nice to meet you" Scott says.

"Thanks for looking after Louis" Harry says.

"It's my pleasure, he's a tough cookie, fought to be here that's for sure" Sammy says.

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