Part 13

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Over the next few hours Louis and Noah dig up a few leads, Louis decides to take the file home with him and work a little more from home. He wants to find Lacey as soon as possible and thinks he's missing something when it comes to her father.

Harry and Scott make their way down to Louis floor at 5 ready to head home.

"How was your day Rookie?" Harry smirks out as he kisses Louis on the head, not caring about the onlookers,

"Good, Yeah" Louis smiles out.

"Ready to go?" Scott asks as he too kisses Louis on the head making him blush.

Louis nods and says goodbye to Noah. As the three of them walk out of the station they get lots of looks. Harry and Scott are cold and hard as they walk out, back to their usual public persona.

When they get into the car the tension eases a little.

"You guys are scary at work" Louis chuckles.

Harry and Scott laugh.

"So we didn't see you all day?" Scott then says, he and Harry were kind of hoping Louis would seek them out and maybe have lunch with them.

"Yeah, Sorry, Noah and I were out for a lot of the time and we were busy when we got back to station" Louis says.

"What's your first case?" Harry asks,

"Missing six year old" Louis says.

"That's full on for your first case, if you need another ear, we're here" Scott says.

"Thanks, I might take you up on that" Louis smiles

The rest of the drive Harry and Scott talk about a few work things and when they pull up and get into the lifts they are met with Rhys, Cody and Noah. Noah and Rhys are sharing a kiss and Cody is hugging Noah from behind as Harry, Scott and Louis enter the lift.

"Evening boys" Harry says coldly.

Scott enters the code to their penthouse, the lift doors shut and the lift starts it journey.

"Evening"  Rhys and Cody say

Scott brings Louis in close and holds him tightly. Louis can tell Cody and Rhys are glaring at him, he just doesn't understand why.

"So you guys are official then?" Cody asks.

Louis tenses and Harry places his arm around Louis waist in comfort and Scott's grip tightens.

"We are" Harry says, voice firm.

"So are we" Cody says.

"Congratulations" Scott replies smiling slightly.

The penthouse gets priority so the lift goes straight there before it will take the others to their floor.

"Priority in all areas hey Louis" Rhys says smiling but Louis knows it's a dig.

"Hope you're at least putting out"Cody laughs.

Louis hangs his head and walks out of the lift, he doesn't reply just enters the apartment. Harry and Scott turn around looking angry as they face the trio.

"Listen, Going after Louis will end your career before it's started, understand!" Scott says angrily.

"If you think for a second that we will sit back and let your disgusting digs slide you've got another thing coming, pull your heads in. Last warning" Harry declares as  the lift doors shut.

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