Part 5

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Once Louis has changed into his training sweats, sneakers and his academy jumper, he grabs his bags and heads out. He's free to go and wants to get an early train home so he's not walking the streets of London too late at night. It's a 20 minute walk to the station as it is.

Louis finds Noah and says goodbye, Noah tells Louis he can drop him at the train station after lunch, but Louis doesn't want to stay for lunch with everyone and their families.They hug goodbye and Louis makes his way out the front of the academy.

He's ecstatic at himself and can't believe he passed with top honours, he just wishes he could share his excitement with someone. Louis has never had a long term boyfriend or anything. He lost his virginity at a party when he was 18 he wouldn't class it as a good time.

He's lost in his thoughts as he carries his three large bags to the station, he then hears a car beep and a brand new black Range Rover pull up beside him. The window is rolled down and Scott's face appears in the passenger seat, Harry is driving.

"Afternoon Rookie, would you like a lift" Scott smiles.

He looks gorgeous with his black sunglasses on and bright smile, Harry is wearing the same sunnies and looks equally as stunning.

"Oh um, thanks but it's only another 5 minutes walk to the station" he says.

"Not to the station, to your apartment" Harry clarifies chuckling.

"Huh, but it's ages away" Louis says,

"Well to get to Central London, you have to pass through East London, so get in" Scott says smirking.

Louis knows there are quicker ways to get to Central London and it's going to take Harry and Scott an extra hour to get home but he appreciates the gesture. Of course they both live in Central London, the rich part. Judging by Harry's amazing car though, they are both loaded.

"Um...thanks" he smiles shyly.

Harry opens the boot with a button and Louis chucks his bags in, he then climbs into the backseat with his pillow and Harry begins the drive. It's a three hour drive with them both and Louis is a little nervous.

"So Louis, you're officially off recruits which means there will be no sergeant Styles or Wolf, you will refer to us as Harry and Scott. That is until work starts up next week" Scott says cheekily.

Louis smiles widely.

"Okay, Thanks" Louis says In response.

"Rookie still sticks though, sorry kid, you're stuck with that one for the rest of your career" Harry says smirking,

Louis sighs.

"It could be worse I guess. I heard last course someone was nicknamed dildo" Louis says and he lets out a chuckle.

Harry and Scott are smitten at the sound.

"That is so true, he didn't last long in the force actually, he bailed after a year" Scott says laughing.

"I couldn't imagine that, working so hard then just giving it all up" Louis says, looking out the window.

"How long have you wanted to be an officer?" Harry asks,

"Since I was six" Louis replies.

"What made you want to join?" Scott asks.

" my dad left..... when I was two...and then...when I was six he started um.... stalking my mum and threatening her. I remember one night... he came into the house, he had a knife and my mum had taught me how to call the police if I ever needed to so I grabbed the phone, hid and called them. The house was stormed by police, I remember hiding in the kitchen pantry and I watched as three officers saved my mums life. I got a bravery award and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.... I wore that silly badge for years and I guess I just always wanted to join and be like those guys" Louis says.

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