Part 15

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Louis doesn't get a chance to convince Noah about the guy, turns out Noah has food poisoning  from something he ate at breakfast and ends up going home. Louis ends up digging things up himself and what he finds just confirms he was right all along and like Scott said, he should trust his gut.

Somehow Lacey's father has been caught up in a drug ring. Louis thinks it's unwillingly, he might have seen something he wasn't supposed too and as he digs further he finds some Interesting things out.

By the time he's heading home, he has a lot to discuss with Noah and contemplates going to his place, until Cody and Rhys are again in the lift with Louis, Harry and Scott.

No one says a single word and Louis sticks to Harry's side like glue, when The lift doors open to the penthouse Harry and Scott don't make a move to leave, Louis looks at them curiously.

"You go ahead baby, why don't you order us some dinner" Harry suggests.

"Um okay" Louis nods and walks off.

Scott turns around and places his hand over the doors, preventing them from shutting.

"Listen here, You lay a fucking finger on our boy again and there will be so many consequences your heads will spin" Harry spits.

"Louis hasn't and won't report this, we figured it out, it's not hard and if we find you anywhere near him again you're arses will be on the street. Daddy wouldn't like that boys, would he, remember your place" Scott says angrily.

They don't wait for an answer before they walk into the penthouse leaving a shocked and intimidated Cody and Rhys behind.

"Louis" Harry calls as he walks into the kitchen, Louis hangs up the phone just having ordered sushi.

"Yeah?" Louis asks,

Harry looks at him and sighs, he walks over and kisses Louis and holds him close

"What's wrong?" Louis asks

"Nothing Rookie, Harry just gets a bit over protective of the ones he loves and becomes a bit clingy" Scott chuckles,

"I love you" Harry says as he pulls back and cups Louis face.

Louis smiles

"I love you too" he replies.

"Okay sappy Mc saps" Scott chuckles and grabs a water from the fridge

"Ohhhh I love you too Scott" Louis says smiling.

"And I love you darling" Scott replies.

"We need to put ice on that cheek, Rookie, it looks sore" Harry says concerned.

"It is, but I think I've missed the window of ice being any help" Louis says.

"You know you really are the worst patient" Scott says fondly shaking his head.

Louis smiles cheekily.

"So what did you order us for dinner?" Harry asks turning Louis around and wrapping his arms around him, resting his chin on Louis shoulder.

"Sushi" Louis smiles, kissing Harry on the cheek.

"Just what I feel like" Scott says.

"I need a drink, food, my boys and the Tv what do you say?" Harry then says going to grab himself a beer.

"Sounds perfect to me" Scott says.

"Yeah, I'm just going to have a shower" Louis says.

"We will join you" Scott smirks and Louis smiles widely back.

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