I pushed the thought of her to the back of my mind as Jess and I started swaying along the beats, the alcohol quickly doing it's job as I felt myself becoming dizzy.

"I think she saw you!", Jess shouted, leaning closer to me.


"She's like, eye-fucking you dude.", she chuckled, shaking her head.

I smirked, feeling a wave of confidence travel throughout my body as I decided to give her something to remember when she went to bed tonight. I brought my hands to my hair, messing it up a little as I bit my lip and started to sensually sway my hips to the music.

"You're so whipped!", Jess laughed out loud, fully aware of what I was doing and why.

I was about to show her another of my sexy moves when a random girl snaked her arm around my waist from behind me. I tensed up and turned my head to face her, just to see she was actually really pretty and she definitely wanted to dance with me. Bingo.

I relaxed in her embrace as we started to dance and grind on each other, her grip on my waist tight as she kept our bodies glued together. She started to trail small kisses and light bites along my shoulder and up to my neck, pretty much turning me on in the process.

I didn't care if Ashely was watching me or not anymore, my full attention was on this girl. I was hoping to bring her home and release all this sexual frustration that I had. I turned around to face her, my arms snaking around her neck as her lustful eyes never left my lips. I grinned as her wandering hands found my ass, squeezing it tightly as she bit her lip. My gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips, and before I knew it we were both leaning in to seal the deal. As we were inches away, I closed my eyes.

But all I could see was her face.

"I can't, I'm sorry.", I mumbled, suddenly pulling away from her and taking a step back, shaking my head and cursing under my breath.

The girl pulled a face and shrugged, mumbling something that I didn't quite catch before she disappeared into the crowd. I glanced over to where I knew Ashley was standing, just to see that she was gone.

"She left, Alex.", Jess informed me, following my gaze. "And I'm pretty sure you got her bad."



"I mean, why am I even feeling guilty over this?!", I groaned, slamming the door of my car as we headed inside.

"Because you're upset that you might have hurt her.", Jess repeated for the tenth time in the last half hour.

I was indeed. And it was annoying the shit out of me.

"Should I call her? Or text her?", I questioned, stopping in front of my porch.

"You might as well show up at her house.", Jess replied, chuckling to herself.

I frowned, nervously biting my lip as I was suddenly considering the idea. What's the worse that could happen? I could deal with a front door slammed to my face. What I couldn't deal with was going to bed knowing that she was mad at me.

"Alex, I was kidding.", she sighed, noticing that I was taking her seriously.

"You know what? I'm going.", I mumbled, not really sure if this was a good idea or not, but motioning nonetheless towards her house.

I started walking, as I tried to gather my thoughts. What was I supposed to tell her? I mean, it's not like we were together or it's not like we were even a thing anymore, then why was I feeling compelled to show up to her house and explain myself to her?!

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