I was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the front door. The three of us gave each other a quizzical look, the two of them shrugging at me.

Well what was I expecting, it's my house after all, duh.

I made my way to the front door as the knocking became more and more persistent, slightly getting on my nerves.

"Jesus! What's with the knocking alre-", I opened the door just to freeze on the spot, anger immediately building up as I stared at the woman in front of me, speechless.

There's no way this is happening right now.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me."


And there she was, the woman who made my life a living hell, standing on my front door without a care in the world. With a smug smile, looking me up and down like I was some sort of joke to her.

"Donna, are you high? Cause I honestly can't think of a better reason as to why you're standing in front of me right now.", I deadpanned, taking a step further and closing the door behind me, her smirk never leaving her features, causing me to clench my fists.

The urge to punch her right now was really strong. Actually, who was I kidding, the urge has always been there for a long time.

"Oh, don't be silly Alex. Why would I crash your Christmas dinner after doing drugs?", she scoffed, taking a step towards the front door just to literally crash into my shoulder.

The sudden proximity allowed me to smell a hint of alcohol in her breath, but most of all it allowed me to take in her features. By the look of her face, she lost several pounds and yeah, she was definitely high on something: her pupils were extremely large and dilated, her body was shaky and she kept sniffing her nose and clenching her jaw. My bet's on cocaine. Unbelievable.

"Too bad you weren't invited.", I hissed, pushing her backwards and causing her to stumble down the few steps of my porch.

"I don't need an invitation.", she hissed back, this time locking her eyes with mine.

"And how's that?", I retorted while walking towards her, our faces just inches apart.

"Cause I don't need an invitation in order to spend Christmas with my kids.", she spat, her eyes burning holes in me.

"Oh, so NOW you remember you have a family, huh?!", I started laughing in her face like a maniac, Donna clearly taken aback from my reaction. "Really, that's hysterical!"

I heard the front door of my house opening, but I couldn't be bothered to turn around to see Jess and Ashley standing there. I was too busy standing my ground, preventing her from getting a step closer to my house.

"I have the right to see them, dipshit.", Donna gritted, her jaw clenched as she stared right back at me.

"Well, guess what Donna: you gave that right up when you gave up your parental rights!", I growled, shoving her in the shoulder, her figure stumbling to the ground. "Or were you too high to remember that too, huh?!"

She was about to bite back, when Grandma, Chase and Matt appeared from around the corner, their faces turning dark as soon as they spotted the bitch.

Great, just what I needed. Not only my best friend and Ashley were witnessing this shitshow, now the rest of my family was as well.

They slowly approached us, a mist of anger and disgust dominating their features.

"..Mom?", Donna whispered in disbelief as soon as they were in hearing range, goofily trying to stand up due to the snow on the ground.

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