"Oh, I know who she is! She's fiiiine!"

"You sure you're not gay?", I chuckled at her overreaction. 

"Pretty sure, yeah.", she giggled, leaning back in her chair and studying me carefully. Yeah, this girl knew me well, and she knew I wasn't telling the whole story.

"And then, out of the blue, I saw Ashley. What are the chances that of all the bars in the Chicago, she had to come to the one I work at?!", I mumbled, letting out a sigh and running my fingers through my hair.

"Why am I not surprised that your shitty mood had something to do with her?", she whispered softly, knowing by now how she could easily affect my mood. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened actually.. I had just finished talking to Jamie, who was obviously flirting with me, and then I walked over to Max, the other bartender, to make sure he was doing okay. He then made a stupid joke about me 'breaking hearts' since he saw me talking to her, and after noticing my confused look, he nodded towards the crowd and I noticed Ashley staring at me. Hell, for Max to tell me that, it means that he noticed her looking at me for quite some time, right?"

"Yeah, maybe..? What's the point?", she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"The point is.. when our eyes met, she had a very weird look on her face. Did she see me flirting with Jamie? Was she bothered by it? How long has she even been there?", I started rambling, as usual.

"I'm still missing the part that made you come home pissed, Alex.", she frowned at me, suppressing a small laugh.

"Well.. as I was looking at her, this random bitch out of nowhere leans into her ear and whispers something, before taking her hand and dragging her who the fuck knows where, probably at her place.", I groaned, leaning back into my seat and pushing away my cup of coffee. "And just a second before following her, Max told me that she glanced back towards the bar, looking for me, but I was already gone."

"Wait, are you telling me that you're.. jealous?", she asked me, her eyes wide in shock.

"I'm not.", I hissed back, trying to convince myself rather than her.

"Oh god, you so are!", Jess slammed her fist on the table, a devious smile on her face as I rolled my eyes.

I didn't complain. It was pointless since I knew I was in fact jealous, and I was so bothered by this feeling that I would do anything to get rid of it.

Silence fell between us, the music still blasting from the living room as I started to absentmindedly play with my hair.

"Alex..", Jess started in a soft voice. "Do you.. do you like her more than you're admitting to yourself?", she cautiously asked me, a concerned look on her face.

"I know nothing about her, Jess. I don't like her, okay? I just so happened to have mind blowing sex with her before finding out she was my teacher.", I sighed, silently cursing myself for even going out that night. All this mess, all these feelings that I was experiencing.. they would have never existed.

"But, something about her intrigues you, Alex.. I've never seen you so hung up on someone, and you've been having serious mood-swings ever since you two kissed.."

She was right. She was always right, for that matter. I've been grumpy and on edge ever since, and yeah.. something about her did intrigue me. And I hated it.

"What am I going to do?", I groaned in frustration, resting my head on her shoulder.

"There's not much that you can do right now, babe.", she kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug. "What you can do though is to get on your feet and start getting ready for tonight. Oh and dress sexy, make sure some random teacher won't be able to take her eyes off of you."

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