04 | the one in which they open up

Comincia dall'inizio

After passing by the entrance of a building, we entered dark passage lit with neon signs of party words against its walls. The passage ended with a hike up some stairs which in turn made us come across the medium size party hall, where people dance in one side of the room while on the other side some sat and ate food while drinking with friends. Or my personal favourite ate each other's faces.

The west side of the room was decked with a long bar and at the end of such, there was a door through which waiters would come and go with either orders or empty plates. The east of the room was completely made out of glass windows overlooking the city and its street at night nine am.

Aahan passed by many people, most of whom we came across were drunk, as he had mentioned earlier and a few who knew him very well here, for they would clap hands on his back or hug him.

This made me realize, this was his territory. This placed called Utsav was Aahan's territory and if I even dared to run up against him here, I would be against them all ― nobody hated him here. He was like a star.

It was only now that I noticed how the girls looked at him. As he guided me across the dance floor, rounding up the masses of dancing people– I could see the way girls would turn around to look at him.

He was tall. Towering over most people, he stood out.

Dark. His skin was so smooth, I could tell with the way the light shined across his tanned skin, it would be soft and smooth...

His eyes were so brown. Most of us had brown eyes in India. No, shocker there. But then there were people like Aahan that differentiate brown into shades, for his eyes as I recalled from our very first meeting, were breathtaking. Literally. Brown like coffee roasted beans it was enrapturing. Intense and unknown of its depth.

His jaw was strong. He had just one tiny dimple. And his hair was a curly mess. A very dark raven black curly mess. It felt as if, it was a shade of night which was layered in different swirling patterns over his head. And it suited him.

His eyebrows were thick. His ears were huge. His lips were thin, but his smile was wide. Handsome.

I had never been in the presence of such a human being. He was extraordinary. Even his flaws made him seem more perfect.

The little dark spots left behind from what I'm guessing is an ache of his teen years were sprayed across his cheeks. Yet they added volume to his skin layers. His nose was a tiny bit crooked just below the bridge of it, which could have been a cause of a fistfight.

I hadn't realised how much I had been staring at him ― observing him if you will. I had observed him as I walked behind him. I had observed him from the side as I stood beside him patiently every time someone stopped by to chat with him or for the good old handshake or hug. And I had observed him from the front as I sat across him on a cushioned seat above the dancing floor which was the VIP lounging area of Utsav.

"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to stare at people?" He smirked, which was barely a smirk as his thin lips barely could lift. I amused myself at his feature for a while longer, only raising my eyebrows at him. "Seriously if you're that addicted to this face, take a picture."

"Does it make you uncomfortable that I am staring?" I couldn't help but pull a smirk of my own, lifting an edge of my lips.

"Honestly, couldn't be more creeped out. It is like a demon is staring at an innocent human." He nodded, whilst he put a hand up and across his face to add to his dramatics. I chuckled, unable to contain it and grinned widely then.

"I was just checking to see what every girl was staring at," I admitted.

"And were you amazed by the art before you?"

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