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By 1856, aged 10, Cerris left The London Orphanage.

     She was a Ward of the State, since noone wanted her.

     By 1860, aged 14, she was on the dirty, cobbled roads.

     And, as far as she could tell, that was where she belonged.



By 1859, aged 13, Cerris murdered a man.

      He was drunk.

      And, as he grabbed her small breasts, she grabbed a knife that she carried in her right hand. Then she stabbed him in the neck 10 times.

       And, as the blood splattered over her body and face, she heard the loud thud as his body crashed to the dirty ground next to her bare feet.



The Bobbies' whistles were heard.

     "MURDER! MURDER!", as Cerris was taken away.

     "Self defense!" Cerris said.

     And she didn't cry, knowing that she could die.

     But she was determined to live.

     She had had a lot of work to do.


Page 16

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