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2 weeks later
Clover POV
It's been 2 weeks since we've seen Marissa and Levi. I wonder how there doing.
"Does something feel off to you"
"What do you mean"
"Well our owner didn't come and take us outside yet"
"Oh ya"
Our owner started to come and take us outside every morning. Just as I started to think about out owner walked into the room. He seemed to be holding 2 rings with what looks like leads. Oh.....
"Eren! I think he's putting a leash on us!"
I tried to run and hide but he caught me.
Eren just looked at me frozen with wide eyes. I squirmed in his grip but to no avail. He put something around my waist and let me back down. I pulled at the lead tied to the metal loop but it's no use. Once he set me down he grabbed Eren and puts the same loop on him. Once he put Eren down I ran to him and hugged him.
"Eren what's happening"
"I don't know but do t worry I'll protect you ok"
The creature pulls on the lead and pulls me and  Eren forward.
"Eren!" I clung to him
"It's ok let's just follow him"
"You sure it's safe"
"Yes he hasn't tried to hurt us yet"
"Ok" holing Eren's hand I started walking. Everything's on clover just breath. Our owner walked us through his house to what I assume if the front door. He opens the door and made us follow behind him. Once we where outside I looked around. This place did t seem to different from earth. It had a blue sky trees and grass. But it was also so different at the same time. The grass was super soft like a cats fur. The trees changed color depending on the weather and the clouds where always in the shape of wings like angle wings. Eren and I followed out owner out onto the sidewalk and up the street. It seemed like forever before we arrived at a field with a large fence in the middle of it. Eren and I where dragged to where the fences where. Our owner unhooked us keeping the ring on and sat down on what I assume is a bench.
"Eren I think we're at a park"
"A human park" he laughs nervously
I started walking to a corner and sat under a tiny tree.
"You ok clover?"
"Y-ya just, how long do you think we will last"
"What do you mean"
"If our pets got to old or in pain we put them down, do you think they will do that with us. Once we get to a certain age and we need to care they will kill us"
"I, I don't know but what I do know is that we are young and still have a long time ahead of us"
"Hello I've never seen you two around here, are you new" some girl asked
"Yes it's our first time out here, my names Eren and this is Clover"
"Awesome, nice to meet you my name is Clare"
"How long have you been here Clare like owned wise" Eren asked
"Hmmmm I'd say about 3 years"
"Don't you ever miss home" I asked her
"I did for a long long time but as much as I hate to say it I got over it, I've come to except that I'll never see home again and if I have to live like this then I'll make the best of it"
"Is that what we have to do"
"Depends I mean each person is different, no matter what you will have to come to terms with never seeing home again. That's the one thing we all have to get over."
"Oh" I say a little disappointed
"Well anyway come on there's a pond here and it's so pretty come look at it with me"
Eren extended his hand and helped me up. We followed Clare to the pond. She was right it was beautiful. The water was so blue it almost looked like it was colored by something. The plants around it where pastel colors and the fish that I saw where ruby red.
"Wow look at this place"
"I know right it's amazing. I've never seen anything like it even in drawings"
"I guess this is something you only get when your a pet to these creatures"
"Carful you don't fall in, I don't know what will happen but I've never seen any human swim in it"
Eren, Clare and I talked for hours by the pond. I didn't want to believe what she said was true about never seeing home again but deep down I knew thats what I have to get over. I lay down in the grass and close my eyes. I wish I could go home, I wish I could just live a normal life. Eren pokes me
"Clover our owner is coming over it's time to get up"
"O-oh ok"
Bye Clare"
"Ya see you later Clare" I say grabbing Eren's hand. Before I knew what happened Eren fell taking me with him into the pond.
"Eren what the hell"
"S-Sorry I slipped"
"Ugggg I feel so gross"
Eren and I get out of the pond and our owner picks us up.
"Eren I'm cold"
"Me too, I'm really sorry"
"It's fine b-but Eren I feel really s-sleepy"
"Then take a nap"
Before I could say anything I was out like a light.
I sprang up to find myself in my bed changed. I look around for Eren but I did t see him.
I felt something warm next to me. I turn to find Eren curled into a ball sleeping. I giggled then poked him.
"Eren, Eren what are you doing" he slowly opens his eyes.
"Oh you where cold so I um"
I hugged him
"Thank you"
I stood up and suddenly felt sick.
"Eren I-I don't feel so good"
"Shhh it's o-"
Before he could finished I threw up. But it wasn't normal. It was purple and green goo! I turned to Eren and found him throwing up the same thing.
"Eren what the hell is happening to us!"
"I d-do t know!"

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