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Clover POV
"Eren what does he want us to do"
"I don't know"
"Well we can't stand here forever"
I looked around the room and saw where we where.
"Um Eren"
"I think he wants us to go to the bathroom"
"Look around there's a sink and a toilet. It's way to big for us but just right for them"
"So where does it want us to do our thing"
I looked at the creature and watch carefully as he pointed to the ground.
"Um the pad thing we are standing on"
"I don't know but it keeps pointing to the floor"
"Well um ok do you need to go"
"Ya" I blushed
"Me too"
"So um how do we"
"We both turn around and don't judge ok"
"On the coins of three and we won't turn around till we both say we are done"
"3" we both turn around. I needed to pee for so long now this is so awkward. Without a second thought I did my thing. Shit there's no filet paper.
"There's no toilet paper how are we so post to you know clean ourselves"
"Your right well we could use the pad to clean ourselves or just put our pants back on"
"Ya I'm not going to scoot on the ground like a dog"
"Ya it's not so appealing"
"Are you done"
"Yes are you"
"Ok ready to turn around"
We both turned around again. The creature looked at us and said something I guess it was praising us. It then took something wet and cleaned my hands with it then did the same to Eren.
"I guess our hands are clean"
"Ya guess so"
It then licked us up and set us on the counter.
"What's happening Eren"
"I don't know but stay calm"
The creature started to undress me. I squirmed around tying to get away but failed. Soon I was naked in front of this thing and Eren. I hid myself the best I could the looked away with a tomato red face. The same thing happens to Eren. I could hear his cloths come off and him squirming. Part of me wanted to look I mean Eren is naked behind me what am opportunity but I was going to be respectful and not look. I hear water start to run.
"Eren I'm scared"
"It's ok clover don't worry everything will be just fine ok and I'm not looking I don't want to be one of those guys who does that"
"Thank you Eren"
The water stopped and I felt myself being lifted then put into the warm water. The same happened to Eren. Their Where bubbles in the water and it went up to my shoulders to I could face Eren.
"Well this is"
The creature scrubbed our body's down gently with this sponge thing. It was hard for me not to look at Eren and it was probably hard for him not to look at me. I hated the creature touching everywhere and I mean everywhere. I was disgusted but it wouldn't stop or let me clean myself. It then lifted me up and dried me off in this fluffy material. Then it redressed me. Next was Eren. After he was finished the creature carried us back into a room with beds and what looks like living space along with some toys. Once I was set on the ground I ran to the farthest bed in the corner.
"Clover are you ok" Eren asked
"Just really sleepy sorry"
"It's ok I'll be right here next you to" Eren grabbed my hand and laid in the best next to me.
"Goodnight clover"
"Goodnight Eren" after that I closed my eyes holding his hand and fell into darkness.

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