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Carlo POV

It's been 20 minutes since the doctor took Sky to get X-rays. I hope everything's alright. I pull out my phone and check my emails. A few more minutes go by before the doctor opens the door with sky.

"Well there's good news and bad news"
"What's the bad news"
"The cyst moved behind her kneecap and is stuck"
"The good news is that it hasn't gotten any bigger witch means it's most likely not cancerous, but we should remove it. And after we do remove it I will send it to the lab to make sure it's not cancerous"
"So when should we do the surgery"
The doctor places Sky on the table she scoots away from him
"The sooner the better but since we haven't done a lot of surgeries like this we don't know what toll it will take on her body"
"Would you be able to take her in today"

"yes but the surgery won't be done till tomorrow afternoon, that's the soonest I can fit her in."

"so would it be worth bringing her home?"

"not recommending it because she could injure herself more"

"do you think she will be ok left alone here"

"yes she will be fine she will be in great hands of our staff"

"alright in that case i leave her to you, but let me say goodbye first"

"of course"

I slowly pick Sky up and hug her. "its ok little one ill ba back real soon the doctor is going to make your leg feel so much better"

Sky looks at me she grabs onto my shirt seeming to cling for dear life

"no sky you need to stay i promise as soon as the doctor says its ok to go home ill come running back to you"
With tears begging to fall I hand her over to the doctor. I watch as she's led out of the room. I soon left the exam room and leave the vets office and head home.

Starting to film at the end of this month!!!!! Here is the official YouTube channel it will be on.


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